Chapter 3 Integers Set 3.5

Chapter 3 Integers Set 3.5 Question 1. Subtract the numbers in the top row from the numbers in the first column and write the proper number in each empty box:…

Chapter 3 Integers Set 3.4

Chapter 3 Integers Set 3.4 Question 1. Write the proper signs >, < or = in the boxes below: -4 __ 5 8 __ -10 +9 __ +9 -6 __…

Chapter 3 Integers Set 3.3

Chapter 3 Integers Set 3.3 Question 1. Write the opposite number of each of the numbers given below. Number 47 +52 -33 -84 -21 +16 -26 80 Opposite number Solution:…

Chapter 3 Integers Set 3.2

Chapter 3 Integers Set 3.2 Question 1. Add: 8 + 6 9 + (-3) 5 + (-6) – 7 + 2 – 8 + 0 – 5 + (-2) Solution:…

Chapter 3 Integers Set 3.1

Chapter 3 Integers Set 3.1 Question 1. Classify the following numbers as positive numbers and negative numbers. -5, +4, -2, 7, +26, -49, -37, 19, -25, +8, 5, -4, -12,…

Chapter 2 Angles Set 2.2

Chapter 2 Angles Set 2.2 Question 1. Use the proper geometrical instruments to construct the following angles. Use the compass and the ruler to bisect them: 50° 115° 80° 90°…

Chapter 2 Angles Set 2.1

Chapter 2 Angles Set 2.1 Question 1. Match the following: Measure of the angle Type of the angle i. 180° a. Zero angle ii. 240° b. Straight angle iii. 360°…

Chapter 1 Basic Concepts in Geometry

Chapter 1 Basic Concepts in Geometry Question 1. Look at the figure alongside and name the following: i. Collinear points ii. Rays iii. Line segments iv. Lines Solution: i. Collinear…

Chapter 17 पाणपोई

Chapter 17 पाणपोई Textbook Questions and Answers 1. एक – दोन वाक्यांत उत्तरे लिहा. प्रश्न 1. अंगाची लाही लाही कशामुळे होते? उत्तर: उन्हामुळे अंगाची लाही लाही होते. प्रश्न 2. अवखळ…

Chapter 16 मुक्या प्राण्यांची कैफियत

Chapter 16 मुक्या प्राण्यांची कैफियत Textbook Questions and Answers 1. तक्रार व वनचर यांच्या माध्यामातून जोड्या पूर्ण करा. प्रश्न 1. तक्रार व वनचर यांच्या माध्यामातून जोड्या पूर्ण करा. उत्तर: 2.…