Chapter 6.1 आत्मविश्वासासारखी शक्ती नाही

Chapter 6.1 आत्मविश्वासासारखी शक्ती नाही Textbook Questions and Answers नमुना कृती 1. कृती करा. प्रश्न अ.उत्तर : प्रश्न आ.उत्तर : 2. अभिव्यक्ती. प्रश्न 1.व्यक्तीच्या जीवनातील ‘आत्मविश्वासाचे’ स्थान स्पष्ट करा.उत्तर :…

Chapter 2 Utility Analysis

Chapter 2 Utility Analysis 1. Complete the following statements by choosing the correct alternatives. Question 1.In the law of diminishing marginal utility, Alfred Marshall assumes that the marginal utility of…

Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing

Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing Textbook Questions and Answers Discuss in pairs and guess the correct alternative for the following: Question 1.To summarize means …………… . (a) Put information in chronological…

Chapter 6 International Problems

Chapter 6 International Problems Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Choose the right option and rewrite the sentence: Question 1.Which among the following is an International problem? (a) Border dispute between…

Chapter 5 India and Other Countries

Chapter 5 India and Other Countries Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Choose the right option and rewrite the sentence: Question 1.The country that has a free international border with India…

Chapter 4 The United Nations

Chapter 4 The United Nations Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Choose the right option and rewrite the sentence: Question 1.This country is not a permanent member of United Nations Security…

Chapter 3 India’s Defence System

Chapter 3 India’s Defence System Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Choose the right option and rewrite the sentence: Question 1.The ______ of India is the Commander-in-Chief of all the Defence…

Chapter 2 India’s Foreign Policy

Chapter 2 India’s Foreign Policy Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Choose the right option and rewrite the sentence: Question 1.This was the main objective behind establishing the Indian Atomic Energy…

Chapter 1 Post World War Political Developments

Chapter 1 Post World War Political Developments Textbook Questions and Answers 1A. Choose the right option and rewrite the sentence: Question 1.A system of independent and sovereign states ___. (a)…