
MARCH 2020



Section I : Language Study

Q. 1. (A) Do as directed (Attempt any four) :

  1. Complete the following words by using correct letters :
    (i) yo_ng
    (ii) wor_d
    (iii) r_yal
    (iv) h_rse
  2. Put the following words in alphabetical order :
    (i) parents, mischief, kids, epic
    (ii) time, tough, tame, technique
  3. Punctuate the following sentences:

(i) she said i am doing my bit

(ii) then stay with me tonight she said

4 Make four words (minimum of three letters each) using the letters in the word :


5. Write the related words as shown in the example :

  1. Complete the wordchain of ‘verbs’. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word :

……………………… ………………………………………………

(B) Do as directed :

(1) Attempt any one :

(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to run away’.


(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully : I saw a boy.

(2) Attempt any one :

(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words :

(i) pay (ii) happy


(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words :

(i) pay (ii) happy

Ans. (A)


(i) young
(ii) world

(iii) royal

(iv) horse

2. (i) epic, kids, mischief, parents

(ii) tame, technique, time, tough

3 (i) She said, “I am doing my bit”.

(ii) “Then stay with me tonight”, she said.

4. grand, heater, daughter, hear, rang.

6. take, educate, edit, tame.

(B) (1) (a) To run away from responsibilities is cowardice.

(b) I saw a boy who was never unhappy even in his poverty.

(2) (a) (i) payment (ii) unhappy

(b) (i) I pay fifty rupees to him everyday.

(ii) I am happy to hear the news.

Section II : Textual Passages

Q. 2 (A) Read the following passage and do the activities :

(A1) Write whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’ :

(i) After a hearty lunch, the narrator settled down with a storybook.

(ii) The quiet afternoon presented the perfect backdrop for reading a mysterious story.

(iii) The narrator ignored the commotion at first.

(iv) The narrator rushed to the veranda to see where his family was.

After a hearty lunch, my parents and my younger sisters lay down for an aftrenoon nap and I settled down with a storybook. The quiet afternoon presented the perfect backdrop for reading an adventure story. The silence was occasionally broken by the sound of my family snoring, the intermittent chirping of house sparrows, the harsh cawing of a crow the shrill call of a kite flying high above the ground. Minutes ticked by. I became deeply absorbed in the book.

Suddenly, I heard a group of steet dogs barking furiously in the distance. I chose to ignore the commotion thinking that the pack of dogs might have cornered a hapless pig. But soon, the barking became louder and more aggressive and the alarmed cawing of a flock of crows added to the cacophony. I also heard the disturbance approaching closer. Curiosity got the better of me. Leaving the book aside, I rushed to the veranda to see what was going on.

(A2) Complete the following web :

(A3) Match the describing words from the passage with the given nouns below :

NounsDescribing words
(i) adventure(a) pig
(ii) hearty(b) story
(iii) younger(c) lunch
(iv) hapless(d) sisters

(A4) Do as Directed :

(i) I bacame deeply absorbed in the book.

(Rewrite it in Simple Present Tense)

(ii) I chose to ignore the commotion.

(Underline the infinitive)

(A5) Personal Response :

Which type of story do you like to read ? Why?

(B) Read the following passage and do the activities :

(B1) Complete the following sentences :

(i) Meena stayed alone as

(ii) Meena had the habit of

(iii) The narrator was caught in

(iv) Seeing Meena the narrator’s first reaction was

That was Meena. She stayed along in a apartment as her parents lived in Delhi. She was an only child and had the habit of complaining about anything and everything. Naturally, she wasn’t a very pleasant company and nobody wanted to visit her. Then one day, Meena was transferred to Bombay and soon we all forgot about her.

Many years later, I found myself caught in the rain at Bombay’s Flora Fountain. It was pouring and I didn’t have an umbrella. I was standing near Akbarallys, a popular department store, waiting for the rain to subside. Suddenly, I spotted Meena. My first reaction was to run, even in that pouring rain. I was anxious to avoid being seen by her, having to listen to her never-ending complaints. However, I couldn’t escape. She had already seen me and caught hold of my hand warmly. What’s more, she was very cheerful.

(B2) Describe Meena’s character.

(B3) Find similar words :
(1) pleasant –
(2) heavy rainfall –
(3) well known –
(4) noticed –

(B4) Do as directed :

(1) She wasn’t a very pleasant company.

(Choose the correct question tag)
(a) did she ?
(b) can she ?
(c) can’t she ?
(d) was she?

(2) I spotted Meena.

(Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘Meena …..’)

(B5) Personal Response :

In your opinion, how should a friend be ?

Ans. (A)

(A1) (i) True (ii) False (iii) True (iv) False



NounsDescribing words
(i) adventure(a) story
(ii) hearty(b) lunch
(iii) younger(c) sisters
(iv) hapless(d) pig

(A4) (i) I am deeply absorbed in the book.

(ii) I choose to ignore the commotion.

(A5) I like to read mysterious books. I feel very good after reading these types of books. Mysterious books often intrigue people as they keep the person hooked and also they arouse curiosity to see how the plot unfolds. Mysterious books develop critical thinking in a person. We also learn how to solve different problems by reading the mysterious books.

(B) (B1) (i) Meena stayed alone as her parents lived in Delhi.

(ii) Meena had the habit of complaining about anything and everything.

(iii) The narrator was caught in the rain at Bombay’s Flora Fountain.

(iv) Seeing Meena the narrator’s first reaction was to run, even in that pouring rain.

(B2) Meena is an uneasy character. She has no friends. She is always nagging and complaining. She never has anything positive to say on any subject or about any

(B3) (1) cheerful person. She wasn’t a pleasant company and nobody wanted to visit her.

(B4) (1) (d) was she ?

(2) pouring rain

(3) popular

(4) spotted

(2) Meena was spotted by me.

(B5) A friend should be a cheerful, enjoyable and responsible partner. It is said that ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed’. The qualities of loving, caring and sharing makes a person having these qualities lovable to everyone. A friend who stays as a solid support in all our ups and downs in life is a real friend. A real friend is someone who understands us better in our adversity.

Section III : Poetry

Q. 3. (A) Read the following stanzas and do the activities :

(A1) Choose the correct alternative and complete the sentences :

(i) The poet suggests to listen to …………………..

(the sounds of animals/the sounds of life)

(ii) The poet suggests to speak to …………………..

(unfamiliar people/parents)

(A2) Complete the following web :

(A3) Find nouns of the following describing words:

(i) different ………………….. (ii) same …………………..

(B) Appreciation of the poem :

Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the points given below :

The World is Mine

Today on a bus, I saw a lovely girl with silken hair

I envied her, she seemed so gay, and I wished I was so fair

When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle

She had one leg and wore a crutch, but as she passed – a smile

God, forgive me when I whine

I have two legs, the world is mine.

And then I stopped to buy some sweets, The lad who sold them had such charm

I talked with him, he seemed so calm, and if I were late, it would do not harm,

And as I left he said to me “I thank you, you have been so kind”

It’s nice to talk with folks like you. You see, I’m blind

God forgive me when I whine

I have two eyes, the world is mine

Later walking down the street, I saw a child with eyes of blue

He stood and watched the others play; it seemed he knew not what to do

I stopped a moment, then I said, why don’t you join the others dear

He looked ahead without a word, and then I knew he could not hear

God forgive me when I whine

I have two ears, the world is mine.

With legs to take me wher I’ll go

With eyes to see the sunset’s glow

With ears to hear what I would know

O God forgive me when I whine

I’m blessed, indeed, the world is mine.

  • Jay Lovelet Crawford
  • Title
  • Name of the poet
  • Rhyme scheme
  • Figures of speech (any one)
  • Theme / Central idea (in 2 to 3 lines)

Ans. (A)

(A1) (i) sounds of life (ii) unfamiliar people.


(A3) (i) different : difference

(ii) same : sameness

(B) Title : The World is Mine

Name of the poet : Joy Lovelet Crawford

Rhyme scheme : Stanza 1 – aabbcc

Stanza 2 – abbccdd

Stanza 3 – aabbcc

Stanza 4 – aaabb

Figure of speech : Alliteration – She seemed so gay

Apostrohe – O God forgive me when I whine

Hyperbole – the world is mine

Inversion – It would do no harm

Theme/Central idea : The central idea of the poem is to be grateful for what we have instead of complaining about what we do not possess. We have all been blessed in our own way and we should always thank God for it. We should always look at the positive side of life rather than focusing on the negative side.

Section IV : Non-Textual Passage

Q. 4. (A) Read the following passage and do the activities :

(A1) Fill in the blanks:

(i) ……………………… percent of our daily communication is non-verbal.

(ii) Eye contact is another type of …………………….. communication.

(iii) Frequent blinking is a sign of the person feeling …………………………

(iv) One can readily detect …………………………….

According to some experts, a staggering 93 percent of our daily communication
is non-verbal. Facial expressions are easy to decipher. One can readily detect happi-
ness, sadness, anger. Physicians can tell a patient is doing well (or not) by looking at
his/her face.
Eye contact is another type of non-verbal communication, which can tell a lot
about the other person. The eyes convey a range of emotions-happiness, sadness,
boredom, surprise, confidence ……… even emotional interest. Staring at someone’s
forehead may intimidate the recipient, staring at the mouth is sometimes interpretated
as a sign of emotional interest. In fact staring into someone’s eyes is a sign of lying,
and so is looking away. In certain cultures, lack of eye contact is taken as a sign of
If body language is to be defined, it is a combination of facial expression, gestures,
eye contact, body movements and posture and voice.
Frequent blinking is a sign of the person feeling distressed or uncomfortable. If
the pupils are dilated, it often indicates interest, even emotional interest. The lips also
reflect our body language, and lip biting indicates worry and/or anxiety; tightening
of the lips may be an indication of disapproval. Slightly turned up lips indicate
happiness and slightly turned down lips indicate sadness.

(A3) Find the antonyms of :

(i) verbal …………………….

(ii) entertaining …………………….

(iii) sender …………………….

(iv) comfortable …………………….

(A4) Do as directed :

(i) The eyes convey a range of emotions.

(Frame a ‘Wh’ question in order to get the underlined part as answer).

(ii) Physicians can tell about a patient’s wellness.

(Rewrite using ‘able to’)

(A5) Personal Response :

Non-verbal communication plays an important role in our daily life. Comment.

(B) Summary Writing :

Read the passage given in Q. No. 4(A) and write a summary of it. Suggest a suitable title to the summary.

Ans. (A)

(A1) (i) 93 percent of our daily communication is non-verbal.

(ii) Eye contact is another type of non-verbal communication.

(iii) Frequent blinking is a sign of the person feeling distressed or uncomfortable.

(iv) One can readily detect happiness, sadness, anger.


(A3) (i) verbal non verbal

(ii) entertaining boring, uninteresting

(iii) sender receiver

(iv) comfortable uncomfortable

(A4) (i) What do the eyes convey?

(ii) Physicians are able to tell about a patient’s wellness.

(A5) Non-verbal communication plays a significiant role in our lives, as it can improve a person’s ability to relate, engage and establish meaningful interactions in everyday life. A better understanding of this type of communication may lead people to develop stronger relationships with others.

Acconding to experts, communication is non-verbal. Facial expressions are ensier to express. With facial expression we can express hapiness, anger, sadness, etc. Fiycicians are able to recognise the wellness of a patient by looking at his/her face. Body language is a combination of facial expressions, eye contact, body movements, posture and voice.

Section V : Writing Skill

Q. 5. (A) Letter Writing :

A1 or A2. Do any one of the following :

Imagine you are Sanjay/Sanjana Bhosale from Room No. B/10, Sai Nagar, Purvo Colony, Amravati. Now, attempt any one of the following letters after reading the advertisement. (A1) Informal Letter :

Look at the poster regarding ‘Road Safety Week’. Write a letter to your brother informing him about safe driving. Use the points given in the poster. Add your own points as a token of advice.


(A2) Formal Letter :

Look at the poster regarding ‘Road Safety Week’. Write a letter to the Chief Traffic Controller, Amravati thanking him/her for informative and appealing poster. Mention how it is useful to the residents of Amravati. Add your own points.

(B) B1 or B2. Do any one of the following :

(B1) Dialogue writing :

(a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences :

(1) It will reach Nagpur at 7:15 a.m.

(2) What is the departure time of the Vidarbha Express?

(3) When will it reach Nagpur?

(4) The departure time is p.m.

(b) Complete the dialogue :

Manas : How much is the SSC exam fee?

Clerk : ……………………………………………….

Manas : When is the last date to submit the exam form ?

Clerk : ……………………………………………….

(c) Write a dialogue between a student and teacher on ‘Importance of Yoga’.


(B2) Drafting a speech :

Imagine that you are the general secretary of your school cultural committee. Write a speech on ‘The trees are our best friends’ with the help of the following points :

  • Trees give us flowers, fruits, wood, shade and oxygen.
  • Trees maintain the balance of the nature.
  • It is everyone’s responsibility to save trees.
  • Plant more trees, save more lives.
  • Add your own points.

Ans. (A) (A1)

B/10 Sai Nagar,

Purvo Colony,



Dear Subodh,

In your letter that I received yesterday, you described that you have a concert/ drama about ‘Road Safety’. Safety simply means to be safe from injuries. On road while walking or riding vehicles, we need to follow certain safety rules to prevent ourselves from accidents.

We should always walk on the footpath. While crossing the road, look to your left and right. While riding vehicles we should follow the traffic rules on road and keep an eye on traffic lights. We should also wear our seatbelt or helmet while driving the vehicles. Very often accidents happen due to our negligence to follow the safety rules. Awareness is very important to know them. I hope I have given you an idea about the importance of safety rules on road. I hope you have been able to appreciate the awareness needed to keep safe while travelling.

Awaiting your response,

Sanjay Bhosale .


Room No. B/10 Sai Nagar

Purvo Colony,


May 02, 2022


The Chief Traffic Controller,


Subject : Thanking for informative and appealing posters

Respected Sir,

I am Sanjay Bhosale, a citizen of Amrawati. I hope you are well. I am writing this letter for thanking you for informative and appealing poster which you have put all across the city for safe driving.

Due to negligence and rash driving, the number of accidents were increrasing day by day. Crossing the speed limit rash driving and overtaking were causing dreadful accidents. I hope after displaying this informative and appealing poster it will help drivers to abide and follow safety rules.

Yours truly,

Sanjay Bhosale



(a) (2) What is the departure time of the Vidarbha Express?

(4) The departure time is 8:30 P.M.

(3) When will it reach Nagpur?

(1) It will reach Nagpur at 7:15 A.M.

(b) Manas : How much is the SSC exam fee?

Clerk : The SSC exam fee is Rs. 890.

Manas: When is the last day to submit the exam form?

Clerk: The last day to submit exam form is .

(c) ‘Importance of Yoga’

Student : Good morning, ma’am.

Teacher : Good morning dear.

Student : Ma’am, what is yoga day?

Teacher : I will tell you about it today.

Student : Ma’am, please explain what is the importance of yoga as well.

Teacher : Yes why not! Yoga keeps us healthy. It keeps our mind fresh and cool.

It is an important part of physical exercise.

Student : Which is the best time for doing yoga ?

Teacher : The best time for yoga is in the morning between 4:00 A.M. to 7:00 A.M..

Student : Okay, ma’am.

Teacher: Yoga, also teaches us to be disciplined in life.

Student : Ma’am, but what can yoga give us?

Teacher : Yoga provides us a healthy toned up body and very often saves us from many diseases too. It also keeps our internal body healthy and keeps our mind fresh.

Student : I see! From today, I have decided that I will practice yoga everyday.

Teacher : Good !

Student : Thanks, ma’am, for giving precious information about the importance of yoga.

Teacher : Most welcome.


‘The Trees are our Best Friends’

Respected Principal Sir/Ma’am, dear teachers and my dear friends, today the topic is about the importance of trees in our lives. It is my pleasure and privilege to delve into this important subject.

If you judge by the food chain that sustains life in our planet, without any doubt, everyone will say that trees and plants are the producers of food. No other life form has the capability to do so. Imagine a scenario, a world without any green vegetation! What will happen to herbivores, omnivores or carnivores ? Can they survive ? The answer is no, not possible at all. The oxygen that we breathe, which is so vital for our survival, comes from the trees. Trees also purifies the air that we breathe. In short, we cannot survive without trees. So my message is “Each one, plant one !”

Thank for listening to my entreaties.

Thank you everyone.

Q. 6. (A) Information Transfer :

A1 or A2. Do any one of the following :

(A1) Non-verbal to verbal :

The following diagram shows important factors to be considered while choosing a career. Write a paragraph based on it. Give a suitable title to it :

(A2) Verbal to Non-verbal :

Read the following information and present a chart of ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’ts’. Suggest a suiable title for it :

Nature is abode for all of us. It provides us with all our basic needs. However, we must take care of the following things so that our mother nature is not harmed.

  • We must plant more trees.
  • We should not cut trees.
  • We must keep our area neat and clean.
  • We should never discharge garbage without proper management.
  • We should not pollute air and water.
  • We should not use plastic bags.
  • We should not hunt birds or animals.
  • We should use more of public transport.
  • We should spread awareness about the importance of maintaining balance in nature.

(B) Expand the theme :

B1 or B2. Do any one of the following :

(B1) News Report:

Read the following headline and prepare a news report with the help of the given points :

21 years old Mayur wins World Chess Championship

Make use of the following guidelines :

  • Headline
  • Lead line
  • Dateline
  • Body of the report


(B2) Develop a story using the following beginning : Once upon a time there lived a woodcutter in a small village. One day he went to the forest ………………

Ans. (A) (A1)


The Right Way

Although education is of paramount importance in modern times, yet with too much competition a new problem confronts a new candidate. “Does His/her education make him/her employable?” “Or if that is not possible, does his/her education give him/her enough skills to stay self-sufficient and self-employed?” Another important factor is the interest of the candidate. “Is his interest in joining a particular vocation compatible with his capabilities?” Even if all the factors are available, there would be another challenge, will his personality trait be adequate enough to create his own demand for his skills? Very often we see a candidate with an engineering background serving in a bank or even a private school. What are the possible financial gains that he can make with his professional degree? We can call the engineer to be underemployed. But would it be correct to say that it was a blunder to go in for a professional training that does not find employability?

A family profession of ‘grocery’ or ‘stationery’ or ‘electric appliances’ or ‘garment shop’ or ‘a juice house’ and so on does not need a specific expertise but provides a handsome income. It has made many professionals revert back to the successful family profession when they found them going tough in their professional expertise that came through education. So what are the future prospects of skills gained by expensive yet non-employable education?

One would say that it is the individual luck that decides the future prospects of employment. The answer to these uncertainties is simple. Do your best, believe in yourself and be ready to take on the opportunities that come your way.


Difference between ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’ts’

We must plant more trees.We should not cut trees.
We must keep our area neat and clean.
We should never discharge garbage
without proper management.
We should use more of public transport.We should not pollute air and water.
We should spread awareness about the
importance of maintaining balance in
We should not hunt birds or animals.

(B) (B1)

Mayur Wins Chess Championship

21 Years Old

22nd February, 2021 By a staff Reporter

Ballimaron Delhi

A 21 years old Mayur wins World Chess Championship. A very proud moment for India and his family. At a very young age he has won the World Championship. He has attained an iconic status for us. Mayur got ₹ 1 Crore from the World Chess Championship Organisation.

The tournament also felicitated him. A big celebration was made by Mayur’s family, and all the members joined in full enthusiasm. Everyone wished him greater achievements in life.


Once upon a time there lived a woodcutter in a small village. One day he went to the nearby forest to cut trees for wood. He had been cutting trees for years and years. The lush and crowded forest was now left with only a handful of trees. All the birds had slowly gone away. The animals also left in search of a new home. The place which was alive with sweet chirping and buzzing was now a quiet, barren land. One fine morning, the woodcutter entered the forest as usual. He made his way towards a big shady tree. As he took out his axe to cut down a tree, he heard a voice. The voice was coming from the big shady tree and it immediately feel down on the ground. Now there was no tree in the forest. The forest was like a quiet, barren land. The next day when he came he noticed that there was no tree there and a nest with some baby birds was fallen on the ground. Seeing that the woodcutter felt very sad. Because of him the baby birds died. The woodcutter was feeling guilty.Now he started planting twice the number of trees that he had cut.

Section VI : Skill Development

Q. 7. Translation :

(a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction (any four) :
(1) Slowly (2) Garden
(3) Remember (5) Picnic
(4) . Scientist (6) Favourite

(b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction (any two) :

(1) Always speak respectfully with others.

(2) Take advices from your parents from time to time.

(3) Give respect to elders.

(4) Parents and grandparents are the pillars of our family.

(c) Translate the following idioms/proverbs into your medium of instruction (any one):

(1) Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

(2) Cut your coat according to your cloth.

Ans. (a)
(1) हलुहलु (2) बाग
(3) लक्षात ठेवा (4) शास्त्रज
(5) सहल (6) आवडते

(b) (1) इतरांशी नेहमी आदशने बोला.
(2) वेळावेळी आपलया पालकीचा सलला ध्या.
(3) मोठयांचा आदर करा.
(4) आई वडील आणि आजी आजोबा हे आपलया कुटुंवाचे आधारस्तंब असतात.

(c) (1) जिथे इच्छा आहे तिथे मार्ग आहे.
(2) तुमचा अंगरण तुमच्या कापडानुसार कापुन दया.