Chapter 1.2 A Synopsis – The Swiss Family Robinson
Chapter 1.2 A Synopsis – The Swiss Family Robinson
Textbook Questions and Answers
Warming Up:
1. Do you know any stories about people who were lost in uninhabited places and were later rescued? Name them.
Question 1.
Do you know any stories about people who were lost in uninhabited places and were later rescued? Name them.
(Some examples: Captain Nemo, Gulliver, Robinson Crusoe, etc.)
2. Think of one of your favourite interesting stories and fill in/draw an outline-chart like the one shown below.

Many times, the climax is near the end. A few stories end with a climax to achieve greater effect.
Find the meaning of ‘anticlimax’.
Question 1.
Think of one of your favourite interesting stories and fill in/draw an outline-chart like the one shown below.
Title of the story: Crooked House
Author: Agatha Christie
- Change/problem/challenge: To find out the person who murdered rich Mr. Leonides.
- Scene 1: The narrator, Charles, meets Sophia, the girl whom he wants to marry.
- Scene 2: Sophia’s grandfather, the rich Mr. Leonides, is murdered. Sophia will not marry Charles till the murderer is found.
- Scene 3: Charles tries to help Scotland Yard in the investigation.
- Scene 4: Family secrets tumble out. Everybody seems to be a possible killer.
- Scene 5: There is an accident to a member of the family and another death. Everyone is tense and there is suspicion all around.
Climax: The mystery is solved, with a thrilling climax.
(Students may write as many scenes as there are in the story after reading some stories.)
Question 2.
Find the meaning of ‘anticlimax’.
‘Anticlimax’ with reference to stories means a disappointing or tame end to an exciting story or an impressive, thrilling series of events.
3. Divide the class into groups of 4-6. Each group selects for itself, one of the difficult situations listed below. Each group imagine themselves to be in that situation.
- Describe their surroundings in 4-5 sentences.
- Write the reactions of the companions using exclamations.
- Using your imagination, write what is the only ray of hope for them.
- Two members of the group are going out to try to get help. They can take any five things with them. Write what they choose, and why they choose it.
Question 1.
Divide the class into groups of 4-6. Each group selects for itself one of the difficult situations given on Textbook page 5. Each group imagines themselves to be in that situation. Each group now :
(a) marooned on an island: A group of people are marooned on an island in the middle of the ocean.
(Points: Tiny island – 10 people marooned- only water all around – cannot be drunk – but small freshwater lake on island – some afraid, some hopeful, some ill – ray of hope is that there are plenty of fruit trees and vegetables – see land in the distance – they plan to make a reft – two people to go for help – take food, water, some medicines, etc. – make fire on island – see some planes go by)
(b) lost in a forest: A group of people walking through a thick jungle have lost their way.
1. Oh, look at these huge trees, with so many leaves – there is barely any sunlight at the bottom here! What are those queer noises? There seem to be thousands of creepy-crawly insects and birds! What if there are poisonous snakes? Dangerous carnivorous animals?
2. “Ouch! What was that!” said Reena.
“Oh my God! Are there tigers and lions here?” said Mohan.
“Someone please save me!” shrieked Ria.
3. The only ray of hope was the probable return of the guide before the sun went down. He would then take us to our camp, which was a safe haven, with boundary walls and guards.
4. Mohan and Sandeep are going for help. They will take a lantern and matches, in case it gets dark? before they can get help. They will take stout sticks to protect themselves from animals, and food and water to keep themselves from starving. They will also take one of the whistles to tell us where they are.
(c) stranded on the highway: A team of players from an office have got down at the wrong place on a highway at night. It is a lonely spot.
(Points: Five people – chess players – though highway lit by lights, no humans or cars in sight – suddenly see a group of men on motorcycles – players afraid they are thieves – try to hide – successful – plan to remain in hiding – two members will walk along the road – other two will follow at a distance – carry sticks, stones, etc.)
English Workshop :
1. Two separate words combine together to make a new word with a different meaning. They form Compound Words. Using a dictionary, find the meanings of the following compound words.
- armloads …………… .
- footprints …………….. .
- driftwood ……………. .
- fireplace ……………… .
- cross – currents ……… .
- spyglass …………… .
Question 1.
Two separate words combine together to make a new word with a different meaning. They form Compound Words. Using a dictionary, find the meanings of the following compound words.
armloads …………… .
footprints …………….. .
driftwood ……………. .
fireplace ……………… .
cross – currents ……… .
spyglass …………… .
2. The following words can be used as nouns as well as verbs. Make two sentences of your own, using them as a noun in one and a verb in another.
(a) hold : (a) Noun – She has a strong hold over her children
(b) Verb – Let me hold the bag for you
(b) value :
(a) Noun – ………………………..
(b) Verb – ………………………..
(c) knot :
(a) Noun – ………………………..
(b) Verb – ………………………..
(d) travel :
(a) Noun – ………………………..
(b) Verb – ………………………..
(e) return :
(a) Noun – ………………………..
(b) Verb – ………………………..
(f) reach :
(a) Noun – ………………………..
(b) Verb- …………………………
(g) knock :
(a) Noun – ………………………..
(b) Verb – ………………………..
(h) attack :
(a) Noun – ………………………..
(b) Verb – ………………………..
(i) mark :
(a) Noun – ………………………..
(b) Verb – ………………………..
Question 1.
The following words can be used as nouns as well as verbs. Make two sentences of your own, using them as a noun in one and a verb in another:
(b) value :
(a) Noun – Do you know the value of this land?
(b) Verb – We must value our senior citizens, for they have a lot of experience.
(c) knot.
(a) Noun – There was a big knot in the wire we had bought.
(b) Verb – Can you please knot these two ribbons together?
(d) travel.
(a) Noun – Train travel can be a very interesting experience.
(b) Verb – I travel regularly to foreign countries.
(e) return.
(a) Noun – The return of the lost boy brought happiness to everyone.
(b) Verb – Please return the book to me soon.
(f) reach.
(a) Noun – Our goal was within reach when our leader gave up.
(b) Verb – Reach the appointed place on time, please.
(i) mark.
(a) Noun – The tight elastic has left a mark on my arm.
(b) Verb – The teacher asked Rohan to mark the swampy area neatly with chalk.
3. Given in a mixed order below are some good human attributes of the family. Pick out each from the box and write it against each line that reflects it.

(a) The father told Fritz, the gourds would make excellent bowls and spoons and they cut them into various utensils …………..
(b) After some days, Elizabeth informed that she wanted the family to move to a safer place. …………..
(c) Thinking ahead of winter, father decided to create a place safe from the elements …………..
(d) Father taught the boys geometry and how to use triangles to measure big objects. …………..
(e) ………….. he believed, his daughter was still alive, after three years.
(f) Ten years had passed and the young boys grew to be young men and their parents were proud of them …………
(g) Fritz felt that someone needed his help and he was determined to find the sender …………..
Question 1.
Given in a mixed order below are some good human attributes of the family. Pick out a suitable one from the box and write it against each line that reflects it :
(a) The father told Fritz that the gourds would make excellent bowls and spoons and they cut them into various utensils, resourcefulness.
(b) After some days Elizabeth informed them that she wanted the family to move to a safer place. cautiousness.
(c) Thinking ahead of winter, father decided to create a place safe from the elements. foresight.
(d) Father taught the boys geometry and how to use triangles to measure big objects, knowledge and its application.
(e) …… he believed his daughter was still alive, after three years, perseverance and positive attitude.
(f) Ten years had passed and the young boys grew to be young men and their parents were proud of them, family bonds.
(g) Fritz felt that someone needed his help and he was determined to find the sender. humanity and sensitivity.
4. Write in your own words, how the Robinson family made each of their homes.

Question 1.
First home:
The Robinson family’s first home was a tent on the island. They cut and spread armloads of grass to serve as their beds and soften the floor of the tent.
Question 2.
Second home :
Their second home was a tree whose trunk was nearly 40 ft. in diameter. The branches were long and extended straight out from the trunk, making them perfect platforms for a structure. After determining the height of the lowest branch from the ground, they made a ladder. They discovered how to make candles. They also made a sledge to help them transport materials.
Question 3.
Third home :
The Robinson family’s third home was a cave they carved out in the rock abutting their camping site. They made an opening on the smooth face of the rock. Then they cut windows in the rock to allow for cross-currents of air and sunlight to enter the cave. They made four rooms, complete with a fireplace. They hung a huge oil lamp at the top of a bamboo pole for light. This was their winter home, a place safe from the elements and a strong storage spot to protect themselves and their belongings.
Question 4.
Fourth home :
They used four strong trees growing in a square near one another as the foundation for their fourth home. The trees were of equal size, approximately twelve feet apart. Thus they built another safe home.
5. Expand the following ideas in a paragraph or two:
1. Where there is a will, there is a way.
2. Courage and resourcefulness are the keys to overcome problems.
Question 1.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
This proverb means that if one really wants to do something, one can. If we read the biographies of great men and women like Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Mother Teresa and Abraham Lincoln, we will find that it is their strong will which has helped them overcome great difficulties and setbacks, and helped them find a way to achieve their goals.
All of us wish to achieve many things in life, but we may not succeed. When this happens, we tend to blame our luck, our circumstances and our fate. We do not realize that the fault lies within us. Every student thinks that getting a high score in examinations is beyond his or her capacity.
But if a student resolves firmly to achieve his or her goal and works towards it sincerely and wholeheartedly, he or she is certain to achieve success. If one comes across any obstacle and can’t climb over it, one must walk around it. There is always a way, if there is the will!
Question 2.
Courage and resourcefulness are the keys i to overcome problems.
When we talk of courage and resourcefulness, the first person that comes to my mind is the dancer i and actress Sudha Chandran. Sudha Chandran, a Bharatnatyam dancer, did not let an accident come in the way of achieving her dreams. At the age of seventeen, she met with an accident which resulted in the amputation of one , leg, below the knee. To any ordinary person, this would have meant the end of a dancing career.
But Sudha took it as a challenge with an artificial leg, she began to dance again. Today her story is the story of inspiration for many. We have only to look around us at the cancer survivors to realize how courage can help us overcome i all odds and achieve our goals in life. We must never give up hope; if one way seems too difficult, we must ! think of the other ways available. All we need is renewed determination and effort and we will finally succeed.
6. Individual Project:
Choose any novel/book that you enjoyed. Prepare a synopsis of the novel. It should include the major events and the links between them as described m the novel. You may prepare a chapterwise outline first, and then put the outlines together to write a brief synopsis.
Question 1.
Choose any novel/book that you enjoyed. Prepare a synopsis of the novel. It should include the major events and the links between them as described in the novel. You may prepare a chapterwise outline first, and then put the outlines together to write a brief synopsis. (An example is given below.)
‘Emma’ is the fourth novel by Jane Austen and centres round Emma Wood house, a twenty-one year-old rich and clever young woman. Emma is an heiress who lives with her widowed father at their estate, Hatfield, in the small village of High bury. The novel is about Emma’s misplaced confidence in I her matchmaking abilities, which results in several misunderstandings and romantic episodes.
The major part of the book focuses on the topic of marriage who will marry whom and why. At the centres of the narration is the protagonist of the novel, Emma Wood house. ‘Emma’ is a novel dealing with courtship, social manners and social distinctions. Although Emma is i convinced she will never marry, she believes she is an excellent matchmaker and that it is she who has arranged the recent marriage between her former governess, Miss Taylor, and the widower Mr. Weston.
The book begins with the reader being told that Emma, suddenly deprived of Miss Taylor’s companionship, is feeling lonely. Gradually, she decides to take an orphan Harriet Smith under her wings as a protege.
Emma decides that Harriet is a perfect match for the vicar, Mr. Elton, and discourages Harriet’s interest in Robert Martin, who she feels is not a ‘gentleman’ and is unworthy of Harriet. Encouraged by Emma, Harriet becomes infatuated with Mr. Elton; but Emma’s plans go wrong when Elton makes it clear that his love is for Emma, not Harriet. He had been spending time with Harriet merely to please Emma.
Elton, spurned by Emma and angry by her i assumption that Harriet is his equal, leaves and marries another girl almost immediately. Harriet, who is initially upset by this turn of affairs, later falls in love with Mr. Knightley, Emma’s special friend. Meanwhile, two new visitors arrive in Highbury- Jane Fairfax, a beautiful orphan, and Frank Churchill. the handsome son of Mr. Weston. Emma dislikes Jane, and flirts with Frank, but this interest does not last.
Frank leaves Highbury mysteriously, and it turns out that he and Jane have been engaged all along, j Suddenly, Emma realizes that she loves Mr. Knightley. She confesses that she had never loved Frank. Mr. Knightley too professes his love for Emma. She is overjoyed and they decide to marry. Emma is later pleased to learn that Harriet has decided to marry Robert after all.
The novel thus concludes happily with three marriages; Jane and Frank, Harriet and Robert, and Emma and Mr. Knightley. After all her attempts to make suitable matches fail, Emma finally begins to realize the emptiness of social distinctions. By the end of the novel, Emma has learned her lesson without too much harm being done.
7. Read about the novel ‘Robinson Crusoe’ by Daniel Defoe and ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ by Jonathan Swift.
Question 1.
Read about the novel ‘Robinson Crusoe’ by Daniel Defoe and ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ by Jonathan Swift.
Additional Important Questions and Answers
Reading Skills, Vocabulary And Grammar
Read the following passages and complete the activities :
Simple Factual Activity :
Question 1.
Complete the following statements :
(The answers are given directly and underlined.)
- The author of the novel is Johann David Wyss.
- The ship was caught in a great storm.
- The family found themselves within sight of a tropical desert island.
- The two dogs who came with them were Turk and Juno.
Complex Factual Activity :
Question 1.
Descrlbe how the fmlly reached the tropical island.
The family constructed a boat out of tubs. They filled the boat with food and ammunition and all the other articles of value they could safely carry. Then they rowed towards the island.
Activity based on Vocabulary:
Question 1.
Find the meanings of the following words :
- evacuated
- livestock
- synopsis
- reef
- evacuated – left the ship to save themselves.
- livestock – farm animals and birds (like cows, pigs, chickens, etc.) that are kept and used by people.
- synopsis – a brief summary or outline.
- reef – rocks, sand, etc. close to the surface of the sea.
Activities based on Contextual Grammar :
Complex Factual Activity :
Question 1.
Pick out the verbs in the following sentences and state their tenses :
1. William, Elizabeth and their children had been travelling in a ship.
2. They decided to get to the island.
1. had been travelling – past perfect continuous tense.
2. decided – simple past tense.
Question 2.
The following words can be used as nouns as well as verbs. Make two sentences of your own, using them as a noun in one and a verb in another.
1. hold :
(a) Noun – She has a strong hold over her children.
(b) Verb – Let me hold the bag for you.
Personal Response :
Question 1.
In what way is a work of fiction different from a fact file?
In a work of fiction the writer uses his imagination. He does not have to stick to the facts. He can exaggerate and stretch reality. However, in a fact file, the writer has to write only the actual facts.
Simple Factual Activity :
Question 1.
Write what the following were used for by the Robinson family :
(The answers are given directly and underlined.)
- Gourds: to make excellent bowls and spoons.
- Grass: to soften the floor of the tent.
- Knotted rope : to create a ladder.
- Sledge: to transport materials.
Complex Factual Activity :
Question 1.
“Mother wished to shift the family to a tree- house.”Give reasons.
Mother wished to shift the family to a tree-house because their current camp was not only exposed but also very dry and hot. She wanted a house that would be safe from jackals and other animals.
Activities based on Vocabulary :
Question 1.
Find the meanings of the following compound words :
1. armloads
2. driftwood
1. armloads – the amount that can be carried in one arm or both the arms.
2. driftwood – pieces of wood that are floating on the water.
Question 2.
Give the noun forms of the following :
1. measure
2. describe
1. measure – measurement
2. describe – description.
Activities based on Contextual Grammar :
Question 1.
Pick out the conjunctions in the following sentences :
1. They set up a tent and softened the floor with grass.
2. Elizabeth informed William that she wanted the family to move to a safer place.
1. and
2. that
Personal Response :
Question 1.
What quality or qualities, according to you, does Elizabeth’s decision to move to a safer place show?
Elizabeth’s decision to move to a safer place shows her foresight and knowledge of the environment It also shows her intelligence.
Simple Factual Activity :
Question 1.
Say if the following sentences are Right or Wrong:
- The family found a wonderful, ready cave for their winter home. Wrong
- Elizabeth was idle when the others were busy. Wrong
- They made windows for sunlight to enter the cave. Right
- Father and Jack rigged up a new light. Right
Complex Factual Activity :
Question 1.
How did the mother occupy herself while the tree house was being built?
When the tree house was being built the mother looked after the vegetable garden and grew healthy plants. Corn, melons, pumpkins and cucumbers were already growing.
Question 2.
What was the third place the family decided to reside in? Why did they wish to shift there?
The third place the family decided to reside in was a cave. They wished to shift there to create a place safe from the elements during the coming winter. The cave could also be a strong storage spot to protect themselves and their belongings.
ActivIties based on Vocabulary:
Question 1.
Find the meanings of the following compound words :
1. cross-currents
2. fireplace
1. cross-currents – currents of air-flow across a room.
2. fireplace – an open recess for holding a fire at the base of a chimney.
Question 2.
Using prefixes, form the antonyms of:
1. complete
2. healthy
1. complete × incomplete
2. healthy × unhealthy.
Activities based on Contextual Grammar :
Question 1.
Frame Wh-questions to get the underlined parts as the answer :
1. On the smooth surface of the rock, father i marked dimensions.
2. Only the father and Fritz travelled to the woods.
1. Where did father mark dimensions?
2. Who travelled to the woods?
Personal Response :
Question 1.
What is your opinion about the father, based on the passage?
I think that the father is very resourceful and knowledgeable. He found plants from the forest which would provide them with wax for candles and rubbery sap for boots. He realized that winter would be difficult in the tree as they would be exposed to the elements. So he worked hard and intelligently to build a cave. If he found that anything was lacking, he tried to provide it, like fitting a lamp in the cave. He cared for and looked sifter his family well.
Simple Factual Activity :
Question 1.
Name the following :
(The answers are given directly.)
- The person who had inspired the search : Jenny’s father.
- The place where the British vessel was headed towards : New Switzerland.
- The person who wanted to marry Jenny : Fritz.
- The person who wanted a chance to receive an academic education : Franz.
Complex Factual Activity :
Question 1.
How does the adventure come to a happy end?
The adventure comes to a happy end after the family and Jenny are rescued by a British vessel. The survivors were in good health and decisions were unanimously made about who wanted to stay on the island and who wanted to leave. Fritz told his parents about his love for Jenny and his wish to marry her. So everyone was finally happy.
Question 2.
Who is included in the word ‘Everyone’ in ‘Everyone was amazed
The word ‘Everyone’ includes the passengers and crew of the British vessel which had rescued the family.
Activity based on Vocabulary :
Question 1.
Find the meanings of the following words :
- spyglass
- savages
- crew
- survivors
- spyglass – binoculars or a small telescope.
- savages – wild men.
- crew – the people who work on a ship.
- survivors – the people who have survived or
Activities based on Contextual Grammar:
Question 1.
Pick out the subordinate clauses from the following sentences :
1. They saw a ship which had laid anchor.
2. Jenny asked if anyone would support her return to England.
1. subordinate clause – which had laid anchor.
2. subordinate clause – if anyone would support her return to England.
Personal Response :
Question 1.
The end of the novel states that Jack and Ernest chose to stay back on the island instead of returning to England. Can you guess the reasons why they made this choice?
One reason could be that they had been very young when they were marooned on the island, and this was their life now. The second reason was that they probably did not want to leave their parents alone without support.
Language Study Activities
(based on vocabulary and grammar)
Note: As per ilw latest activity sheet formal. 5 simple activities. 3 medium level activities and 2 challenging activities will be asked. Students are expected to attempt any 4 simple activities, any 2 medium level activities and any I challenging activity. However, we have given more activities in each prose lesson for better study of language study section.
Simple Activities :
Question 1.
Write two compound words from the lesson.
spyglass, Englishwoman
Question 2.
Make a meaningful sentence using the phrase ‘the next morning’.
The next morning, the rain had stopped and the sky was clear.
Question 3.
Spot the error and correct the sentence :
Everyone were amazed at the good health of the survivors. ;
Everyone was amazed at the good health of the survivors.
Question 4.
Pick out the infinitive from the sentence :
Fritz, Ernest, Jack and Franz were left to survive alone.
Infinitive – to survive.
Question 5.
Identify the type of sentence :
Do not despair.
Imperative Sentence
Question 6.
Find out two hidden words from the word : ‘informed’
informed – inform, deform, (friend, fiend).
Question 7.
Form the past participle of a verb from the lesson in which the last letter is doubled.
knot – knotted
Question 8.
Arrange these words in alphabetical order :
platform, produce, perfect, pinnace
perfect, pinnace, platform, produce
Medium-Level Activities :
Question 1.
One day, they saw a ship.
(Change the voice starting A ship…..’.)
A ship was seen by them one day.
Question 2.
Use the word ‘might’ in two separate sentences, the word having different meanings (homographs) :
(a) The little boy pulled at the rope with all his might.
(b) It might rain tonight.
Question 3.
They created a ladder.
(Use the past perfect tense of the verb.)
They had created a ladder.
Question 4.
His father suggested that ‘smoking rock’ sounded like a reference to a volcano.
(Rewrite using direct speech.)
His father said, ‘Smoking rock’ sounds like a reference to a volcano”.
Challenging Activities :
Question 1.
Use the word ‘wish’ as a noun and a verb in two separate sentences.
(a) The fairy granted the poor girl her wish, (noun)
(b) “I wish I had a beautiful dress,” said Cinderella. (verb)
Question 2.
Elizabeth informed William that she wanted the family to move to a safer place. (Pick out the clauses)
Elizabeth informed William-Main Clause that she wanted the family to move to a safer place-Subordinate Clause