Chapter 1 Our Life in Society


Chapter 1 Our Life in Society

Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
Man felt the need for ______ for the day to day affairs of society to run smoothly.

Question 2.
_______ helps the development of people’s talents.

Question 3.
We all have some emotional and some _____ needs too.

2. Answer in one sentence:

Question 1.
What are the basic needs of man.
Food, clothes, shelter, education and health 1 are the basic needs of man.

Question 2.
Whose company do we like?
We like the company of our family members, relatives and friends.

Question 3.
What opportunities does society provide us with?
Society provides the opportunities for expressing our thoughts and feelings and to develop our artistic and other talents.

3. What do you think? Answer in two or three sentences:

How is a society formed?

  • A society is formed when people come together to achieve certain common objectives.
  • A society includes different groups, institutions and organisations.

Question 2.
Why is it necessary to set up a permanent system in society?

  • In order to fulfil needs like food, clothing, shelter and security, society has to create a , permanent system.
  • Without a system, the day-to-day affairs of the society cannot be carried on.
  • A system is essential for the continued existence of the society.

Question 3.
What makes life in society more stable and organised?

  • A Vast systen needs to be created includes factories to manufacture tools and equipment used for farming, a market for the goods produced, etc.
  • The existence of many such systems makes a society stable and organised.

Question 4.
If there were no social institutions what difficulties would we have faced?

  • If there were no social institutions individual development would not have taken place at the fullest. It would be difficult to meet our physical and emotional needs.
  • There would be no social stability or security.

4. What would you do in the following situations?

Question 1.
Your friend has forgotten to bring something he needs in school.
First, I would ask him if I could help. I will offer him the things which he needs. If I don’t have it I will inform the teacher and ensure that it reaches him. After all a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Question 2.
You meet a blind or otherwise handicapped person on the way.
I will first ask if he needs help and extend a helping hand to him. I will help him cross the road and ensure that he reaches his destination safely.


  • Meet a skilled tradesman who makes farmers’ tools. Make a list of all those who help the farmer in his work.
  • Visit a nearby bank and find out the different purposes for which the bank lends money.
  • Make a list of man’s basic needs and some additional needs.

Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
Variety of ______ leads to development of our skills and capabilities.

Question 2.
Our life in society is ______.

Question 3.
Every person is bom with some qualities and _______.

Question 4.
Society helps in the development of our ________ capabilities and the power to think.

Question 5.
A society is formed when people come together to achieve certain common ________.

Question 6.
A ________ is essential for continued existence of the society.

Question 7.
The existence of many systems makes a society _______.

Question 8.
Education and health related services and facilities allow us to live with _____.

Question 9.
Our ________ is a part of the society.

Name the following:

Question 1.
Any two physical needs of man:
Food, clothing.

Question 2.
The people who provide companionship:
Family members, friends.

Question 3.
Two basic needs:
Education, health.

Question 4.
Two emotional needs of man:
Security, appreciation.

Question 5.
Artists whose talents are developed in the society:
Singers/ musicians.

Complete the analogy:

Question 1.
Food : Physical needs :: appreciation : __________.
emotional need

Question 2.
Nomadic stage : No stability and security :: settled : ______.
organised and security life way of life.

State whether the following statements are true or false giving reasons:

Question 1.
There are rules in society.

  • Living in society, man felt the need for rules to help in the smooth functioning of day-to¬day matters.
  • Rules have made our life organised and stable.

Question 2.
A society is a mob or crowd of people.
A society is formed when people come together to achieve certain common objectives

Answer in one sentence:

Question 1.
From which stage has man moved into a settled social life?
Man has moved from a nomadic stage to a settled social life.

Question 2.
What was one of the main motivations for the creation of society?
Man realised that living in a group provides him security and develops an organised way of life and this was one of the main motivation for creation of society.

Question 3.
What did rules give rise to?
Rules gave rise to conventions, ethics, values, rules and laws.

Question 4.
Which facilities allow us to live with dignity?
Education and health related services and facilities allow us to live with dignity.

Question 5.
In what way does society help us to develop our personality?
Society helps in the development of our emotional capabilities and power to think. It also provides the opportunity for expressing our thoughts and feelings.

Answer in two or three sentences:

Question 1.
What would happen in the field of agriculture if there was no system to carry out various activities.
(a) Various institutions are created to perform all functions related to agriculture which includes factories to manufacture farming tools and equipments, banks to provide loans to the farmers and a market for the agricultural products.

(b) If the above systems did not exist it would be difficult to carry out agricultural activities.

What would you do in the following situations ?

Question 1.
There is a melodious singer in your society, but he cannot nurture his talent due to lack of funds.
I will encourage him to pursue his talent and will inform the elders in the society about his talent and request them to help j him. I can also encourage him to participate in the functions organised by the society and thereby showcase his talent.

Give reasons:

Question 1.
Our social life is interdependent.

  • A variety of industries and occupations help to fulfil our needs.
  • This leads to development of our skills and capabilities.
  • Our basic needs are fulfilled in society.
  • We depend on each other for our emotional’ needs such as security, appreciation, praise, j support, etc.
  • Thus our life in society is interdependent.

Question 2.
The variety of occupations in the society help us in fulfilling our needs.

  • A variety of industries and occupations help us to fulful our needs, for example, we need books for studying and paper for books.
  • That is why occupations like manufacturing papery printing books, binding, etc. also develop.
  • Thus the variety of occupations in the society. help us in fulfilling our needs.