Chapter 4.5 A Battle to Baffle


Chapter 4.5 A Battle to Baffle

Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming Up:

1. Form suitable groups and discuss the following:

You have heard/read stories of Akbar and Birbal, Tenali Raman, Mulla Nasruddin.
Recollect and write down the names of those stories.

Pick out those aspects of a story that you find common in all their stories.
The common aspect found in their stories :
humour, supernatural events, wisdom, suspense, magic, the beauty of nature, wit and play upon words

2. Read the different types of sentences in Reported Speech and note the differences in the Direct and Indirect forms:

1. a. Direct: The old man said, “What is the time?
b. Indirect: The old man asked what the time was.

2. a. Direct: Mother said to her, “Are you hungry now?
b. Indirect: Mother asked her if she was hungry, then.

3. a. Direct: The teacher said, “Be quiet students.”
b. Indirect: The teacher ordered the students to be quiet.

4. a. Direct: Mother said, “ How pretty she looks!”
b. Indirect: Mother exclaimed with delight that she looked very pretty.

You will observe that –

  • The Reporting Verb changes according to the type of sentence in the speech.
  • Change of Tense
  • Change of word order in the sentence.

Use a dictionary and find the differences in the following terms related to ‘drama’:

Question 1.
A play:
A dramatic work staged in a theatre in front of an audience.

Question 2.
One-act Play:
A play that has only one act.

Question 3.
A short funny play that makes a joke of something.

Question 4.
A type of theatre using no words but only movements of the hands and body and facial expressions.

Question 5.
A humorous play in which the characters become involved in unlikely and complicated situations. Uses physical humour and silliness.

Question 6.
A dramatic work in one or more acts in which all characters communicate through song and the story is told through song put to music.

Question 7.
A play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending.

Question 8.
A play characterized by humour; has a happy or cheerful ending.

1. Read the following words and use them in sentences of your own:

  1. Renown
  2. defiance
  3. exiled
  4. predicament
  5. diffident
  6. benign


  1. The Chief Guest at our annual function was a man of great renown.
  2. In an act of defiance, the little girl threw away the expensive toy.
  3. The Prince was exiled by his stepmother for 10 years.
  4. The king turned to his minister to get him out of the predicament.
  5. The new teacher was so diffident that she could not control the students.
  6. The lioness had a benign look on her face as she watched her cubs playing.

2. Read the following phrases and use them ¡n the sentences of your own in proper form:

  1. To voice something
  2. a tight corner
  3. to outwit
  4. to concede defeat


  1. The mother wanted to voice her fears but could not do so.
  2. Birbal could always manage to get himself out of a tight corner.
  3. Birbal could outwit all the ministers in the palace.
  4. The Captain had to concede defeat when his army began to turn back.

3. Pick out dialogues of Tenali Raman which prove that he had the following qualities:

Question a.
Wit and wisdom
So this is the ‘tila-kashta-mahisha-bandhana’

Question b.
Let us begin by discussing the merits of ‘tila-kashta- mahisha-bandhana’ .

Question c.
I have one small request.

Question d.
Your words of praise are my greatest reward, your Highness.

4. Answer the following questions in short:

Question a.
What was Pundit Shahane’s claim as a scholar?
Pundit Shahane’s claim as a scholar was that he had mastered all the scriptures.

Question b.
Why did Pundit Shahane visit Vijaynagar?
Pundit Shahane visited Vijaynagar to challenge the knowledge of all the Pundits in the kingdom.

Question c.
What do you learn about Pundits of Vijaynagar?
The Pundits of Vijaynagar were frightened and nervous when their knowledge was challenged. They were insecure and did not have confidence in themselves.

Question d.
What punishment did the emperor threaten the Pundits with?
The punishment that the Emperor threatened the Pundits with was that they would be exiled from Vijaynagar.

Question e.
Why was Tenali Raman summoned to the court?
Tenali Raman was summoned to the court to find a solution to the predicament.

Question f.
On what condition did Tenali Raman agree to take up the challenge?
The condition put forward by Tenali Raman was that when Pundit Shahane arrived the next day, everybody had to accept and honour him (Tenali Raman) as the Chief Pundit, for one day.

Question g.
Why was Tenali Raman taken to the court in a palanquin?
Tenali Raman probably wanted to impress and frighten Pundit Shahane, and hence he went to the court in a palanquin.

Question h.
How did Tenali Raman outwit Pundit Shahane?
Tenali Raman put his hands on a huge bundle next to him and pretended that it contained the scriptures ‘tila kashtamahisha-bandhana’ and he wanted to discuss its merits. He was in fact, only mentioning what the bundle contained. However, the Pundit thought he was referring to some scriptures that he had never even heard of, and hence could not discuss its merits. He immediately gave up. Thus, Tenali Raman outwitted him.

Question i.
What did the bundle in silken cloth contain?
Tenali Raman made his entry to the Emperor’s Court in a palanquin, with two pundits following him and carrying a huge bundle in silken cloth.

Question j.
Explain the significance of the title.
The theme of the skit is the challenge to see whether Tenali Raman could outwit the proud Pundit Shahane. This was the ‘battle’. The way to win this battle was to ‘baffle’ (confuse) the Pundit. Hence, the title ‘A Battle to Baffle’ is apt.

5. Fill in the elements that you find in the drama script of ‘A Battle to Baffle.’

Background Scene:
Steps taken to resolve the crisis:
The end:
Characters: Krishnadevaraya, Mantrji, Tenali Raman, Pundit Shahane, 8-10 other courtiers/ministers/scholars.
Background Scene: Krishnadevaraya’s Courtroom. The Emperor is seated on his throne. Courtiers/ministers/scholars are seated in two rows facing one another and discussing softly.
Crisis: A great scholarly Pundit Pundit Shahane, has challenged the knowledge of the Pundits of Vijaynagar. The Pundits of Vijaynagar are not ready to face this challenge.
Steps taken to resolve the crisis: Tenali Raman is sent for to find a solution to the predicament and to pull them out of the tight corner.
Climax: Tenali Raman, with his sheer wit manages to outwit the renowned Pundit Shahane. and make him concede defeat.
The end: Pundit Shahane concedes defeat and leaves. Tenali Raman is praised by the Emperor for saving the reputation and honour of the great empire. Everyone is relieved and happy that the crisis has ended.

6. Do as directed:
(Make sure you do not change the meaning and tense of the sentence).

Question a.
Tenali Raman proved to be wittier than Pundit Shahane.
(Rewrite using ‘as witty as.’)
Pundit Shahane proved to be not as witty as Tenali Raman.

Question b.
Pundit Shahane has come here. He wishes to challenge all the Pundits in our Kingdom.
(Combine the two sentences using ‘so’. Now combine the same sentence using because. ‘)
Pundit Shahane wishes to challenge all the Pundits in our Kingdom, so he has come here.

Question c.
How can I discuss its merits?
( Make it Assertive.)
I cannot discuss its merits.

Question d.
I have not read that scripture.
( Rewrite using ‘unaware.’)
I am unaware of that scripture.

Question e.
Your words of praise are my greatest reward.
(Begin the sentence with ‘No other )
No other reward is as great as your words of praise.

Question f.
I am proud of you.
(Rewrite using the noun form of the underlined word).
I have pride in you.

Question g.
The Emperor said,” But tell me Raman, to what great work did you refer?”
(Convert into Indirect Speech).
The Emperor asked Ra man what great work he had referred to.

Question h.
Tenali Raman was a poet scholar and jester in Vijaynagar in Krishnadevarayas court.
Tenali Raman was a poet, scholar, and jester in Vijaynagar, in Krishnadevaraya’s court.

Question i.
Mantriji said Maharaj Pundit Shahanes visit to our court is an open challenge.
“Mantriji,” said Maharaj, “Pundit Shahane’s visit to our court is an open challenge.”

7. A past student of your school has cleared his UPSC examination and being an lAS officer has been appointed as a Collector of your district. Write a formal letter to invite him to your school to share the story of his success, at a special function.
St. Jude school
Dr. Ambedkar Road
Thane 400 601
15 October 2018
Sub: Invitation to grace our Children’s Day function as Chief Guest.
Sir, It was with great pleasure that we learned about your appointment as the Collector of our district. The Principal, teachers, and students of our school congratulate you on this wonderful achievement. We are all so proud that a student from our school has attained this high post!
We intend to have a special function on November 14, Children’s Day. We cordially invite you to grace this function as the Chief Guest and share with us the story of your success. You are an inspiration for our students and your presence will motivate them greatly. The function begins at 10 a.m. and will end at 1 p.m. with lunch. In addition to the talk from you, there will be a short cultural program of dance and music.
It will be an honor for us to have you here and we hope you will accept this invitation.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Suman Kini (Cultural Secretary, St. Jude school).

8. Understand the quotation and expand It In a paragraph format.
‘Pride goes on horseback, but returns on foot’.
Pride goes on horseback but returns on foot:

“I am very beautiful. I am also very clever. Everyone loves me.” How will you react if you hear someone say these words? You will be surprised at such arrogance. You will say that the person is very proud’. To be ‘proud’ here means to have a very high opinion of oneself, one’s looks, abilities, possessions, etc. Pride makes a person think that he/she is superior to others. Would you like such a person? No, no one likes a person who is proud. If you’re too conceited or self-important, someday something will happen to make you look foolish. And when a proud man meets with a bad end, others will have no sympathy for him. History is full of examples of powerful kings who were ruined because of their proud nature. That is the meaning of the quotation: Those who are proud will finally suffer defeat or meet with a shameful end.

Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complete the table and write who said the given words and to whom:

Question 1.

The words

Who said?

To whom?

(1) He is visiting our court tomorrow.

(2) Not one of you can face the Pundit?

(3) Let us send for Tenali Raman.

(4) That’s an excellent idea.


The words

Who said?

To whom?

(1) He is visiting our court tomorrow.

Mantri Ji


(2) Not one of you can face the Pundit?


Courtiers, Pundits, etc.

(3) Let us send for Tenali Raman.

First Scholar


(4) That’s an excellent idea.

Second Scholar


Complete the following:

Question 1.
The Courtiers and Pundits were unnerved when they heard the announcement that _________.
a very great scholarly Pundit, called Pundit Shahane, was visiting the court to challenge the knowledge of all the Pundits in the kingdom

Question 2.
The first scholar proposed that ________.
they send for Tenali Raman to find a solution to their predicament

Question 3.
Pundit Shahane’s claim as a scholar was that _______.
he had mastered all the scriptures

Question 4.
Pundit Shahane visited Vijaynagar to ______.
challenge the knowledge of all the Pundits in the kingdom

Question 5.
The punishment that the Emperor threatened the Pundits with was ______.
that they would be exiled from Vijaynagar

Question 6.
Tenali Reiman was summoned to the court to ______.
find a solution to the predicament

Question 7.
The condition put forward by Tenali Raman was that ______.
when Pundit Shahane arrived the next day, everybody had to accept and honour him (Tenali Raman) as the Chief Pundit, for one day

Question 8.
Mantriji introduced Pundit Shahane as __________.
the most revered and honoured master of our ancient sculptures, and the Pride of India

Question 9.
Tenali Raman made his entry to the Emperor’s Court ______.
in a palanquin, with two pundits following him and carrying a huge bundle in silken cloth

Question 10.
Tenali Raman wished to debate on the virtues of the scripture ________.
‘tila…kashta… mahisha. .bandhana

Question 11.
Pundit Shahane was defeated because ______.
he had not read the scripture that Tenali Raman had mentioned

Question 12.
The Emperor and the courtiers reacted ________.
by laughing loudly at Tenali Raman’s explanation

Question 13.
The bundle in the silken cloth contained ________.
the stems of sesame plants and some rope used to tie up buffaloes

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
He has mastered all our scriptures and won great renown all over India.
(Write if the sentence is Simple, Compound, or Complex.)
Compound Sentence.

Question 2.
I am ashamed of all of you. I shall debar you from my court.
(Join the sentences using a coordinator.)
I am ashamed of all of you and I shall debar you from my court.

Question 3.
Your words of praise are my greatest reward.
(Rewrite using the comparative form of the adjective.)
There is no other greater reward for me than your words of praise.

Question 4.
The Pundit got scared when he heard such a complicated name.
(Separate into clauses)
The Pundit got scared – Main Clause.
when he heard such a complicated name – Subordinate Clause.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What do you learn about the Pundits of Vijaynagar?
The Pundits of Vijaynagar were frightened and nervous when their knowledge was challenged. They were insecure and did not have confidence in

Question 2.
What explanation did Tenali Raman give about the name of the strange scripture?
Tenali Raman had pretended that the bundle contained scriptures called ‘tila-kashta-mahisha-bandhana’, and he wanted to discuss its merits. However, the bundle only contained some til (sesame), kashta (sticks or stems of sesame plants) and rope. Hence, tila-kashta meant the stems of sesame plants. The rope the bundle contained was used to tie up buffaloes. Mahisha meant buffalo and bandhana is the rope to tie up something. So that was ( the ‘tila-kashta-mahisha-bandhana’ he had mentioned.

Write If the following statements are True or False:

Question 1.
Tenali Raman was very proud of being chosen by the Emperor.

Question 2.
The Emperor was rude to Tenali Raman.

Question 3.
Tenali Raman accepted the challenge.

Question 4.
Tenali Raman wanted to be the Chief Pundit permanently.

Match the adjectives in Column A with the nouns In Column B:

Question 1.



(1) silken

(a) scriptures

(2) benign

(b) cloth

(3) slight

(c) permission

(4) ancient

(d) bow




(1) silken

(b) cloth

(2) benign

(c) permission

(3) slight

(d) bow

(4) ancient

(a) scriptures

Change the voice:

Question 1.
They have recommended you to outwit the challenger.
You have been recommended (by them) to outwit the challenger.

Question 2.
Let them be brought forth at once.
Bring them forth at once.

Complete the web showing the qualities of Tenali Raman:

Question 1.


Question 2.
Write the English names/words for the following:

  1. til
  2. kashta
  3. mahisha
  4. bandhana


  1. sesame
  2. stick
  3. buffalo
  4. rope

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Pick out two non-English words from the lesson.
mahisha, bandhana

Question 2.
Pick out two words used for Krishnadevaraya.
Maharaj, Emperor (Your Majesty, Your Highness)

Question 3.
Add letters before the word ‘all’ to form two different words:
small, shall (stall)

Question 4.
Find out four hidden words from the given word:
challenger (Each word should have at least 4 letters.)
challenger: challenge, change, charge, large

Question 5.
Write down two adjectives formed from the word:
honoured, honourable

Question 6.
Underline the pronouns:
Let me assure you that I shall not let you down.
Let me assure you that I shall not let you down.

Question 7.
State the tense and aspect of the verb in the following sentence:
Pundit Shahane has come here to challenge all the Pundits in our Kingdom.
verb – has come
tense – present
aspect – perfect

Question 8.
Rewrite in indirect speech:
Emperor: (annoyed) Not one of you can face the Pundit? I am ashamed of all of you. I shall debar you from my court.
The Emperor was annoyed and ‘ asked if not one of them could face the Pundit. He added that he was ashamed of all of them and would debar them from his court.

Question 9.
Rewrite using the positive and comparative forms of the adjective:
Tenali Raman is the greatest of all scholars.
Positive: There is no other scholar as great as Tenali Raman.
Comparative: Tenali Raman is greater than all other scholars.

Question 10.
Use the following word as a noun and a verb in two separate sentences:
(i) The brave girl was asked to collect her reward from the Mayor, (noun)
(ii) Mona was rewarded by the old woman for bringing her cat back, (verb)