
MARCH 2023



Q. 1. (A) Do as directed (Attempt any four):

(1) Complete the following words by using correct letters :
(i) Pe_ple
(ii) Mat_h
(iii) Hou_e
(iv) Ad_lt

(2) Put the following words in alphabetical order:

(i) survive, leader, discuss, present

(ii) light, loyal, luck, large

(3) Punctuate the following sentences :

(i) well wish you luck said sitaram

(ii) whats your name little one asked the teacher

(4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters in the word:


(5) Write the related words as shown in the example:

(6) Complete the word-chain of ‘verbs’. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word :


(B) Do as Directed :

(B1) Attempt any one :

(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to look after’.


(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully :

I selected three poems

(B2) Attempt any one :

(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words ( 2 words) :
(i) courage (ii) wonder


(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words :
(i) courage (ii) wonder


  1. (A)

(1) (i) People,
(ii) Match
(iii) House
(iv) Adult

(2) (i) discuss, leader, present, survive
(ii) large, light, loyal, luck

(3) (i) “Well ! I wish you luck”, said Sitaram.
(ii) “What’s your name, little one?” asked the teacher.

(4) “Benchmark” – Bench, Mark, Ban, Can


(6) think kick keep pace earn


(B1) (a) “to look after” – Meena is looking after a finance team in her new role.


(b) I selected three poems which were given in my textbook.

(B2) (a)

(i) courage – discourage (ii) wonder – wonderful


(b) (i) courage – A good teacher always gives courage to his students.

(ii) wonder – She wants to enjoy the wonder of her life in her own way.


Q. 2 (A) Read the following passage and do the activities :

(A1) Write whether the following sentences are True or False :

(i) Mrs. Srivastava had to do some shopping.

(ii) A large shady tamarind tree grew at one end of the bazaar.

(iii) Mrs. Bhushan was fanning herself with a small handkerchief.

(iv) Mrs. Srivastava’s husband was sitting in front of Kamal Kishore’s grocery shop.

Mrs. Srivastava had to do some shopping. She gave instructions to the ayah about looking after the baby, and told the cook not to be late with the mid-day meal. Then she set out for the Pipalnagar market place, to make her customary tour of the cloth shops.

A large shady tamarind tree grew at one end of the bazaar, and it was here that Mrs. Srivastava found her friend Mrs. Bhushan sheltering from the heat, Mrs. Bhushan was fanning herself with a large handkerchief. She complained of the summer, which she affirmed, was definitely the hottest in the history of Pipalnagar. She then showed Mrs. Srivastava a sample of the cloth she was going to buy, and for five minutes they discussed its shade, texture and design. Having exhausted this topic, Mrs. Srivastava said, ‘Do you know, my dear, that Seth Govind Ram’s bank can’t even pay its employees? Only this morning I heard a complaint from their sweeper, who hasn’t received his wages for over a month!’

‘Shocking!’ remarked Mrs. Bhushan. ‘If they can’t pay the sweeper they must be in a bad way. None of the others could be getting paid either’.

She left Mrs. Srivastava at the tamarind tree and went in search of her husband, who was sitting in front of Kamal Kishore’s photography shop, talking with the owner.

(A3) Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of the phrases from the bracket:

[to complain of, at the end of, to set out for, in search of]

(i) There is an Old Shiv Temple………………………. the village.

(ii) The travellers…………………………..early in the morning ………………………..the tour.

(iii) Yesterday, the people in Popular Colony……………………….. in their area. irregular supply of water

(iv) The farmer left his farm……………………………..his lost cow.

(A4) Do as directed :

(i) Mrs. Srivastava had to do some shopping.

(Pick out the infinitive)

(ii) I heard a complaint.

(Begin the sentence with ‘A complaint. .)

(A5) Do you like online shopping? Why?

(B) Read the following passage and do the activities :

(B1) Complete the following table :

UtteranceWho saidTo whom
Meena, did you know
Rakesh has come first in
his school?
Naturally, his father is a
school teacher.

Meena is a good friend of mine. She is an LIC officer earning a good salary. But there was always something strange about her. She was forever unhappy. Whenever I met her, I would start to feel depressed. It was as thought her gloom and cynicism had a way of spreading to others. She never had anything positive to say on any subject or about any person.

For instance, I might say to her, ‘Meena, did you know Rakesh has come first in his school?’

Meena’s immediate response would be to belittle the achievement. ‘Naturally, his father is a school teacher’, she would say.

If I said, ‘Meena, Shwetha is very beautiful girl, isn’t she ?’ Meena would be pessimistic. ‘When a pony is young, he looks handsome. It is age that matters. Wait for some time. Shwetha will be uglier than anyone you know’.

‘Meena, it’s a beautiful day. Let’s go for a walk.’

‘No, the sun is too hot and I get tried if I walk too much. Besides, who says walking is good for health ? There’s no proof.’

That was Meena. She stayed alone in an apartment as her parents lived in Delhi. She was an only child and had the habit of complaining about anything and everything.

(B2) Describe Meena’s character.

(B3) Find from the passage the antonyms of :
(i) …………………….

(ii) happy …………………….
(iii) never …………………….
(iv) optimistic …………………….

(B4) Do as directed :

(i) Shwetha is a very beautiful girl.

(Make it exclamatory)

(ii) Meena is an LIC officer.

(Frame a ‘Wh’ question to get the underlined part as an answer).

(B5) If you have a friend like Meena, what would be your attitude towards her?



(A1) (i) True
(ii) True
(iii) False
(iv) False



(i) There is an Old Shiv Temple at the end of the village.

(ii) The travellers set early in the morning out for the tour.

(iii) Yesterday, the people in Popular Colony complained of irregular supply of water in their area.

(iv) The farmer left his farm in search of his lost cow.


(i) Mrs. Srivastava had to do some shopping.

  • to do

(ii) A complaint was heard by me.


I like online shopping very much because in online shopping there is no direct contact with the shopkeeper. I do not need to go and wander around in search of my choice of clothes. That’s why I like to do online shopping. Online shopping not only saves our time but also provides wide range of options which is usually not available in the market.

(B) (B1)

UtteranceWho saidTo whom
Rakesh has come first in
his school?
Naturally, his father is a
school teacher.


Meena is the only child of her parents and she has a habit of complaining about anything and everything. She never has anything positive to say about anything or about someone. She is always unhappy and is negative about everything.


(i) bad

(ii) happy unhappy

(iii) never always

(iv) optimistic pessimistic


(i) What a beautiful girl Shwetha is!

(ii) What is Meena’s profession?


If I had a friend like Meena who always has a negative approach then I would prefer to change her way of comprehending things or people. If she talked negative about something or someone then I would also introduce her the positive way or positive side of the thing or a person.


Q. 3. (A) Read the following stanzas and do the activities :

(A1) Choose the correct word from the brackets and complete the sentences :

(i) The girl on the bus wore a………….. (crutch/new dress)

(ii) The lad seemed so………………….. (shy/calm)

(iii) The poet stopped to buy some………………………. (books/sweets)

(iv) The poet wants the God to forgive him when he…………………… (cheers/whines)

Today on a bus, I saw a lovely girl with silken hair I envied her, she seemed so gay, and I wished I was so When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle.

She had one leg and wore a crutch, but as she passed – a smile God, forgive me when I whine

I have two legs, the world is mine.

And then I stopped to buy some sweets, The led who sold them had such charm

I talked with him, he seemed so calm, and if I were late, it would do no harm, And as I left he said to me “I thank you, you have been so kind”

It’s nice to talk with folks like you. You see, I’m blind O God forgive me when I whine

I have two eyes, the world is mine.

(A2) Complete the following web.

(A3) Write the rhyming words for the following from the extract :

(i) hair ……………………. (ii) mine ……………………

(B) Appreciation of the poem :

Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the points given below :

A Teenager’s Prayer

Each day brings new beginnings,

Decisions I must make.

I am the only one to choose

The road that I will take.

I can choose to take the road of life,

That leads to great success

Or travel down the darkened road,

That leads to great distress.

Please open up my eyes, dear Lord,

That I might clearly see

Help me stand for what is right,

Bring out the best in me.

Help, Lord, to just say “no”

When temptation comes my way,

That I might keep my body clean

And fit for life each day.

When my teenage years are over,

I know that I will see

That life is lived its very best

With you walking next to me.

-J. Morse

  • Title
  • Name of the poet
  • Rhyme scheme
  • Figures of speech (any one)
  • Theme / Central idea (in 2 to 3 lines)


  1. (A) (A1) (i) The girl on the bus wore a crutch.

(ii) The lad seemed so calm.

(iii) The poet stopped to buy some sweets.

(iv) The poet wants the God to forgive him when he whines.


(A3) (i) hair – fair (ii) mine – whine


Title : A Teenage’s Prayer

Name of the poet : J. Mouse

Rhyme scheme :

Figure of speech : The figure of speech in the poem is (i) Alliteration: ex. Travel down the darkened road.

Theme/Central idea : The theme is a prayer to God to help the teenager to choose the road to success according to the capabilities of the teenager, and achieve success despite all temptations.


Q. 4. (A) Read the following passage and do the activities :

(A1) Complete the following sentences from the passage :

(i) Sachin was born on……………………………

(ii) Sachin is a devotee of the deity……………………..

(iii) He was trained under the able guidance of……………………..

(iv) He made debut on…………………………

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar who was born on 24th April 1973 in Mumbai is a former Indian International Cricketer and a former captain of the Indian National Team. He is regarded as one of the greatest batsmen of all time and often referred as the ‘God of cricket’ by Indian Cricket followers. He made his debut on 15th November, 1989 against Pakistan in ‘Karachi’ at the age of sixteen. He is the only player to have scored one hundred international centuries and only player to complete more than 30,000 runs in international cricket. He was trained under the able guidance of Ramakant Achrekar Sir. He received the Arjuna Award in 1994, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award in 1997, Padma Shri and Padma Vibhushan Award in 1999 and 2008 respectively, fourth and second highest civilian awards of India. He was also awarded the Bharat Ratna, highest civilian award of India in 2013. He is a devotee of the deity Ganesha.

(A2) Complete the web diagram:

(A3) Match the ‘Synonyms’:

(i) debut(a) previous
(ii) received(b) God
(iii) former(c) got
(iv) deity(d) first performance

(A4) Do as Diredied :

(i) He made his debut (Make ‘Simple Future Tense’).

(ii) He received the Arjuna Award. (Choose the correct Q-tag):

(a) did he?

(b) didn’t he?

(c) does’t he?

(A5) Do you like to play games? Why?

(B) Stinary Writing :

Read the passage given in Q. No. 4(A) and write a summary of it. Suggest a suitable title to the summary.


  1. (A) (A1)
    (i) Sachin was born on April 1973.
    (ii) Sachin is a devotee of the deity Ganesha.
    (iii) He was trained under the able guidance of Ramakant Achrekar Sir.
    (iv) He made his debut on November 1989.



(i) debut(d) first performance
(ii) received(c) got
(iii) former(a) previous
(iv) deity(b) God

(A4) (i) Simple Future tense:

He will make his debut.

(ii) (b) didn’t he?


Yes, I like to play games because it gives me fun and I also enjoy while playing games. It also gives us benefits as there are many benefits of playing games. Outdoor games give us so many benefits like health, fitness and many more. Games help reduce stress and motivate us to live more happily and peacefully.


God of Cricket

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar was born on 24th April 1973 in Mumbai is an Indian International cricketer and also has been a captain of Indian National Team. He is one of the greatest players in cricket due to which his followers gave him the title of ‘God of Cricket’. He made his debut on 15th November 1989 against Pakistan in ‘Karachi’ at the age of sixteen. His trainer never gave him an appreciation to play more over. He had got many awards “Arjuna Award”, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, Padma Sri and Padma Vibushan, the fourth and second highest civilian award of India. He was also awarded Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian award. He is a devotee of Lord Ganesha.


Q. 5. (A) Letter writing :

A1 or A2.

Imagine you are Anandi/Anand Jadhav. You have read the following advertisement and write any one of the following letters.

Enchanting Beauts: Chilhnldar

Enjoy the famous hill points and natural beauty. A living paradise on the earth:

  • Visit the Sunset Point, Bhim Kund Point, Devi Point, Eco-Point, A famous Gun Point.
  • Experience Horse riding, Boating and Water sports.
  • Comfortable stay and enjoyable natural beauty.


The Incharge, Tourism Department, Chikhaldara,

Dist.: Amravati

A1. Informal LetterA2. Formal Letter
Look at the advertisement and write a
letter to your father asking permission
to join the trip.
Look at the advertisement. Write a letter to The
Officer Incharge, Tourism Department,
Chikhaldara asking for:
* DurationOr* Concession in entry fees,
Total cost* Accommodation details
* Accommodation* Food facility and provision for online booking.
* Add you own points

(B) B1 or B2. Dialogue writing/Drafting speech:

(B1) Dialogue writing :

(a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences :

(1) Yes, I have got some awards.

(2) Of course, Kabaddi!

(3) Have you been awarded in this game?

(4) Which is your favourite game?

(b) Complete the dialogue :

Anil : Which is your favourite book?

Sunil : ……………………………………………

Anil : What type of book is it?

Sunil : ……………………………………………

(c) Write a dialogue between Ram and Shyam on the given theme (minimum three meaningful exchanges).

‘Importance of education’


(B2) Drafting a Speech:

Prepare a speech on ‘Health and Diet’.

You may use the following points:

  • Health is wealth.
  • Good health depends on regular exercise and balanced food.
  • We are what-what we eat.
  • Add your own points.


(A) (A1) Letter writing

Informal letter

Twinkle Apartment,

D.N Road,

Sadashiv Peth,

Pune – 39,

Date – 2nd July, 2023

Dear father,

How are you? I hope you are fine. I am also fine here. Last week my exams were going on so I was unable to write you a letter. But after the exams school has planned the wonderful trip to Chikhaldara.

I am writing this letter to you to take your permission to go to the trip. The trip is for 3 days and 2 nights. The cost of the trip is ₹2000. On the trip they are going to show Sunset Point, Bhim Kund point, Devi point, Eco point, a famous gun point, etc. They will also give us the experience of horse riding, boating and water sports.

I hope you will allow me to go on the trip to Chikhaldara and will send the money alongwith the permission.

Give my respect to Mom and love to Yash and Neha.

Waiting for your answer.

Your loving daughter



(A2) Formal Letter

Anandi Jadhav,

C/12 Sudhir, Apartment,

Ranpise Nagar,

Pune: 39.

Date: 30th March, 2023


The Officer Incharge,

Tourism Department,


Subject : Concession in entry fees, Accommodation details, Food facility.

Respected/Sir / Madam,

I am Anandi Jadhav from Pune International School and writing this letter to bring into your kind notice that we are going to visit the Chikhaldara next week with our school children I request you to allow some concession in entry fees and please share more detailed information on accommodation. Also let us know about the food facilities and provision for online booking. There are nearly 80 students of our school who will be visiting Chikhaldara next week with us. Please arrange everything properly.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours faithfully,



(B1) (a) (4) Which is your favourite game?

(2) Of course, Kabaddi !

(3) Have you been awarded in this game?

(1) Yes, I have got some awards.

(b) Complete the dialogue:

Anil : Which is your favourite book?

Sunil : My favourite book is ‘Oliver Twist’.

Anil : What type of book is it?

Sunil : It is a story about an orphan boy called Oliver Twist, who grows up in an a nineteenth century orphanage in England. The book presents a pitiable condition of the orphanage where he grows up.

(c) Ram : Dear Shyam, don’t you find education too boring?

Shyam : Yes, I do feel education a bit too boring, but there is no substitute for it.

Ram : I agree, and also understand the need for it. Why is it presented in such an insipid way? Why can’t it be made more interesting?

Shyam : Ram, education is always an important tool that everyone needs to be secured in life. Education provides the tools for refining skills to earn.

Ram : Despite knowing all, I cannot understand why I cannot focus in my studies. Shyam : Which subjects do you feel bored in?

Ram : I feel bored in reading the poetry sections of English and Hindi and I find no use of it in everyday life.

Shyam : (smiling), How do you relax Ram, after a hard days boring studies?

Ram : Well, I relax mostly by listening to songs. But how does song figure into this conversation?

Shyam : (smiling) Do the songs have rhyming words? And do poems have rhyming words too ?! Most songs, in fact are poems woven into some musical form which you love to listen. Isn’t it Ram?

Ram : (excited now), Oh, now I understand. Words’ play in a poem needs a mastery over a particular language. It is the musical education that converts a drab poem into a lilting song,……

Shyam : (interrupting) Could all this have happened without an educational background to give us the necessary skills, Ram? We are rarely aware of the linkages involved.

Ram : Now I have understood that we lose interest in education just because we are rarely aware of its utility in our daily life. This insight has given me a new vigour to take education more seriously without being bored. Thanks a lot Shyam for giving me this new insight.

Shyam : Bravo Ram !! The importance of education will be paramount.



Drafting a Speech

Good morning to one and all,

I am Srushti Mhatre from 10th A. Today, I am here to speak few words about Health and Diet. Today is 7th April which is known as World Health Day. Health is very important part of our life, we should spare some time for our health. If health is good then we can work properly and then wealth comes automatically.

It is always said that “Health is Wealth”. If our health is good then and then only wealth will come to us. We should always do good exercise and eat balanced diet because what we eat that we are. It means “we are what-what we eat”. Our health is given to us by God and we should keep it clean and in good condition so we can return our thanks to God.

Once again I wish Happy World Health Day to one and all present here. I conclude my speech here.

Thank you! for giving me this opportunity

Q. 6. (A) Information Transfer :

A1 or A2. Do any one of the following activities :

(A1) Non-verbal to verbal :

Given below is a web diagram containing information about the different means of electronic devices of entertainment-some audio, some visual and some audio-visual.

Write a short paragraph based on information from the web. Give a suitable title to it.


(A2) Verbal to Non-verbal :

Draw a table of comparison (tabular form) between Amir and Anita that includes the information given below. Give a suitable title:

Amir and Anita are good neighbours. They are co-operative and have happy families. Amir, an 18-year young chap is in std. 12 and goes to a famous college in the city. Anita, a 16-year charming girl will appear for her class Board Exam this year.

Amir’s father is a big businessman in the city and Anita’s father is a government officer. Amir’s mother, a housewife, helps his father in their family business also. Anita’s mother is a doctor and has her own clinic.

Amir is good sportsman who likes to play outdoor games. Amir is strong and dynamic. Though strong Anita is sensitive also. Photography and bird-watching are the interests of Amir. Anita spends her time in her hobbies of singing and painting.

Amir after his exam wants to pursue his career in wild-life photography. Anita would like to join Arts stream after her Board Exams.

(3)Father’s occupation
(4)Mother’s occupation
(5)His/Her qualities
(6)His/Her hobbies/interests
(7)His/Her ambitions/future plans

(B) Expand the theme :

B1 or B2. Do any one of the following activities :

(B1) Write a news report based on the given headline:

Z.P. Schools Encourage Kids to Take up Extra Reading

Make use of the following guidelines:

  • Headline
  • Date line
  • Intro
  • Short continuing paragraph
  • Conclusion


(B2) Develop a story:

Develop a story with the help of given beginning. Give a suitable title to your story. Hearing a lot about Shivneri Fort, Aman and his friends decided to visit it. On their way ……………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………….


(A) (A1)

Means of Entertainment

In this modern age, entertainment has taken the center-stage in our lives. Technology has provided a wide variety of platforms to give access to our choice of entertainment. Right from the earlier medium of entertainment through radio, now it is available through

Computers, Television, Cinema, iPods, C.D. Player, DVD’s etc. Not only entertainment, it has opened up a vast resource of knowledge that is available at the press of a mere fingertip. In fact knowledge and entertainment have been linked up.



(1)Age18 years16 years
(2)Class12 th10 th
(3) Father’s occupationBusinessman
(4) Mother’s occupationHousewifeDoctor
(5) His/Her qualitiesGood sportsmanIndoor games
(6) His/Her hobbies/interests
Photography and
Singing and
(7) His/Her ambitions/future plans
Arts stream

(B) (B1)

News Report

Z.P. School Encourage Kids to Take up Extra Reading .

27/02/2023 By Student Reporter

Z.P. schools encourage their kids to take up extra reading. To improve their student’s reading and make-them confident Z.P. schools have started extra summer camp for reading classes. For betterment of their students they have also started the Art and Mythological classes for the interested student.

The Principals of Z.P. schools have taken initiative and started to come in order to conduct the extra classes and also teach them the values of life. Every day in the summer vacations students learn new languages reading, mythological stories, values of life and art like drawing, crafting, etc.

Encouraging students for reading, learning arts and real life values is a very good and inspiring initiative taken by the Z.P. schools. All the gurdians and parents appreciated the Z.P. schools for this concept and said that these types of activities should keep coming up in schools.



The Shivneri Fort

After hearing a lot about Shivneri Fort, Aman and his friends decided to visit the place. On their way they went to the foothills of Shivneri. They felt proud for the great king who was born on the land of Maharashtra. Since childhood they always heard or read about Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s stories. Aman and his friend felt proud to be Maharashtrian.

Aman and his friends started trekking and went up on the Shivneri Fort. When they started exploring the fort they were very fascinated and explored everything, in the fort. They read all the information carved on the stones. Aman decided to spend his life on the principles of the Shivaji Maharaj. Aman was thrilled to know that Shivaji Maharaj did not fear anyone and he had immense respect for his mother and love towards his subjects.

Aman and his friends prepared a documentary on the life of the Shivaji Maharaj and presented it in their school on annual fest. Aman and his group of friends were awarded with the first prize in the competition of documentary.

Moral: Preservation of history is important for inspiring future generation.


Q. 7. Translation :

(a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction (any four) :
(1) Important (2) Success
(3) Parents (4) Route
(5) Imagine (6) Refuse

(b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction (any two) :

(a) I saw something horrible.

(b) Cooking is a science.

(c) Make a study time table.

(d) He spoke most impressively.

(c) Translate the following idioms/proverbs into your medium of instruction (any one) :

(1) Service to man is service to God.

(2) As you sow, so shall you reap.


(a) (1) महत्तवाचे (2) यश
(3) पालक (4) मार्ग
(5) कल्पना (6) नाकारणे

(b) (a) मी काही तरी भीतिदायक पाहिले.

(b) स्वयंपाक हे एक विज्ञान अहि.

(c) अभ्यासाचे वेळापत्रक बनवा.

(d) तो खुप प्रभावीपणे बोलतो.

(c) (a) मानव सेवा हीच ईश्वर सेवा.

(b) पेराल तसे उगवेल.