Chapter 6 Index Numbers

Chapter 6 Index Numbers 1. Choose the correct option: Question 1.Statements that are incorrect in relation to index numbers. a) Index number is a geographical tool. b) Index numbers measure…

Chapter 5 Forms of Market

Chapter 5 Forms of Market 1. Choose the correct option: Question 1.In an economic sense, the market includes the following activities a) The place where goods are sold and purchased.…

Chapter 3A Demand Analysis

Chapter 3A Demand Analysis 1. Complete the following statements: Question 1.The relationship between demand for goods and price of its substitute is …………… (a) direct (b) inverse (c) no effect…

Chapter 3A Demand Analysis

Chapter 3A Demand Analysis 1. Complete the following statements: Question 1. The relationship between demand for goods and price of its substitute is …………… (a) direct (b) inverse (c) no…

Chapter 3A Demand Analysis

Chapter 3A Demand Analysis 1. Complete the following statements: Question 1. The relationship between demand for goods and price of its substitute is …………… (a) direct (b) inverse (c) no…

Chapter 4 Supply Analysis

Chapter 4 Supply Analysis 1. Complete the following statements: Question 1.When the supply curve is upward sloping, its slope is ………………. a) positive b) negative c) first positive then negative…

Chapter 1 Introduction to Micro and Macro Economics

Chapter 1 Introduction to Micro and Macro Economics 1. Choose the correct option: Question 1.The branch of economics that deals with the allocation of resources. a) Microeconomics b) Macroeconomics c)…

Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds Question 1. Match the pairs. Group A Group B a. C2H6 1. Unsaturated hydrocarbon b. C2H2 2. Molecular formula of an alcohol c. CH4O 3. Saturated…

Chapter 8 Metallurgy

Chapter 8 Metallurgy Question 1. a. Alloy of sodium with mercury. Answer: Silver amalgam. b. Molecular formula of common ore of aluminium. Answer: Al2O3.nH2O c. The oxide that forms salt…

Chapter 10 Space Missions

Chapter 10 Space Missions Question 1. Fill in the blanks and explain the statements with reasoning: a. If the height of the orbit of a satellite from the earth’s surface…