Chapter 4.8 An Autumn Greeting

Chapter 4.8 An Autumn Greeting Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Recite the poem with proper rhythm and intonation. Question 1. Recite the poem with proper rhythm and intonation. Additional Important…

Chapter 4.7 The Sword in the Stone

Chapter 4.7 The Sword in the Stone Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Read the passage. Underline the new words. Guess their meaning from the context. Verify it from a good…

Chapter 4.6 The Phantom Tollbooth

Chapter 4.6 The Phantom Tollbooth Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Read the passage and answer the following questions. Question a. Which book is introduced in the passage? Answer: The novel…

Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party

Chapter 4.4 A Mad Tea Party Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Read the passage aloud playing the roles of different characters. Question 1. Read the passage aloud playing the roles…

Chapter 4.3 Mr Nobody

Chapter 4.3 Mr Nobody Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Read the poem aloud. Question 1. Read the poem aloud. 2. Complete the following chart of personal pronouns using words from…

Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest

Chapter 4.2 The Story of Gautama’s Quest Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Complete the following sentences with reference to the passage. Question a. Gautama, the Buddha, was born over two…

Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure

Chapter 4.1 Sleep, My Treasure Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Answer the following questions. Question 1. Who is the speaker in the poem? Answer: The mother is the speaker in…

Chapter 3.7 At the Science Fair

Chapter 3.7 At the Science Fair Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Answer the following questions: Question a. What two basic rules were followed in the Science Fair? Answer: The two…

Chapter 3.6 The Merchant of Venice

Chapter 3.6 The Merchant of Venice Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Question a. The merchant ships brought spices and other treasures…