Chapter 5 Expansion Formulae Set 5.3

Chapter 5 Expansion Formulae Set 5.3 Question 1. Expand: i. (2m – 5)³ ii. (4 – p)³ iii. (7x – 9y)³ iv. (58)³ v. (198)³ Solution: i. Here, a =…

Chapter 5 Expansion Formulae Set 5.2

Chapter 5 Expansion Formulae Set 5.2 Question 1. Expand: i. (k + 4)³ ii. (7x + 8y)³ iii. (7x + m)³ iv. (52)³ v. (101)³ Solution: i. Here, a =…

Chapter 3 Indices and Cube Root Set 3.2

Chapter 3 Indices and Cube Root Set 3.2 Question 1. Complete the following table. Solution: Question 2. Write the following numbers in the form of rational indices. i. Square root…