Chapter 11 Ancient India and the World

Chapter 11 Ancient India and the World Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Name the following: Question 1. Places where articles made in Rome were found. Answer: Kolhapur and Arikamedu in…

Chapter 10 Ancient India: Cultural

Chapter 10 Ancient India: Cultural Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Answer in one sentence: Question 1. Make a list of ancient Indian universities. Answer: The ancient Indian universities are Takshashila,…

Chapter 9 Ancient Kingdoms of the South

Chapter 9 Ancient Kingdoms of the South Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Can you tell ? Question 1. Whose name did the Satavahana kings write before their own? Answer: Jhe…

Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire

Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Can you tell ? Question 1. The kings who started the minting of gold coins in India. Answer:…

Chapter 7 India during the Maurya Period

Chapter 7 India during the Maurya Period Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Answer in one sentence: Question 1. Why did the satraps begin to fight among themselves? Answer: After Alexander’s…

Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas

Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Answer in one sentence: Question 1. What is meant by janapada? Answer: Small city states came to be known as…

Chapter 5 Religious Trends in Ancient India

Chapter 5 Religious Trends in Ancient India Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Fill in the blanks: Question 1. The principle of ______ is very important in Jainism. (a) justice (b)…

Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization

Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Name the following with reference to the lesson: Question 1. Women scholars in Vedic literature: Answer: Lopamudra, Gargi, Maitreyi. Question…

Chapter 3 The Harappan Civilization

Chapter 3 The Harappan Civilization Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Answer in one sentence: Question 1. How did the civilization get the name Harappa? Answer: Archaeological excavation first began in…

Chapter 2 Sources of History

Chapter 2 Sources of History Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Answer in one sentence: Question 1. In the past, what materials were used for writing? Answer: In the past, materials…