Chapter 4.5 Joan of Arc

Chapter 4.5 Joan of Arc Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up: Chit-chat 1. Discuss in groups whether you would like to join the Armed Forces. Yes/No. Say Why? Why not? Each…

Chapter 4.4 Unbeatable Super Mom – Mary Kom

Chapter 4.4 Unbeatable Super Mom – Mary Kom Textbook Questions and Answers Warming Up: Chit-Chat 1. Discuss in your class. Question 1. Indian women who have made it to International…

Chapter 4.3 O Captain! My Captain!

Chapter 4.3 O Captain! My Captain! Textbook Questions and Answers Warming Up: Chit-chat 1. Discuss the following with your classmates: Question (a) What are the important games played in your…

Chapter 4.2 Bholi

Chapter 4.2 Bholi Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up: Chit-chat 1. Discuss the following in your groups. Question (a) Discuss the following in your groups. Various social evils that exist…

Chapter 4.1 The World is Mine

Chapter 4.1 The World is Mine Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up: Chit-chat 1. Form groups and discuss the following turn by turn: Question (a) What do you often, complain…

Chapter 3.5 The Alchemy of Nature

Chapter 3.5 The Alchemy of Nature Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up: Chit-chat: 1. Divide the class into five groups. Discuss in the group the following topics. (One question for…

Chapter 3.4 Let us March!

Chapter 3.4 Let us March! Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up: Chit-chat: 1. Divide the class into five groups. Discuss in the group the following topics. (One question for each…

Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up: Chit-chat Make small groups and share: Question 1. A piece of advice that stopped a…