Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing

Chapter 3.1 Summary Writing Textbook Questions and Answers Discuss in pairs and guess the correct alternative for the following: Question 1.To summarize means …………… . (a) Put information in chronological…

Chapter 4.4 The Sign of Four

Chapter 4.4 The Sign of Four Chapter 4.4 The Sign of Four Textbook Questions and Answers CHARACTER: (A1) Question (i)Read the extract again and complete the web by highlighting the…

Chapter 4.3 Around the World in Eighty Days

Chapter 4.3 Around the World in Eighty Days Chapter 4.3 Around the World in Eighty Days Textbook Questions and Answers CHARACTER: (A1) Question (i)One of the following is not a…

Chapter 4.2 To Sir, with Love

Chapter 4.2 To Sir, with Love Chapter 4.2 To Sir, with Love Textbook Questions and Answers Character: (A1) Question (i)From the options given below, choose the name of the teacher…

Chapter 4.1 History of Novel

Chapter 4.1 History of Novel Chapter 4.1 History of Novel Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Match the columns: Question 1.Match the columns: Answer: 2. Pick out the odd element from…

Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion

Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion Textbook Questions and Answers You must have discussed many things with your friends, classmates in a group. It might be about going…

Chapter 3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message

Chapter 3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message Chapter 3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message Textbook Questions and Answers (i) Given below is a two-way communication cycle or the process of communication. (a)…

Chapter 3.4 Statement of Purpose

Chapter 3.4 Statement of Purpose Chapter 3.4 Statement of Purpose Textbook Questions and Answers Question 1.Match the professions with the desired qualities: (The answers are given directly.)Answer: Businessman – c.…

Chapter 3.3 Note-Making

Chapter 3.3 Note-Making Chapter 3.3 Note-Making Textbook Questions and Answers Question 1.Complete the web.Answer: Question 2.Discuss in groups why you take notes.Answer: Better notes will help you remember concepts, develop…