Chapter 8 Geography: Nature and Scope

Chapter 8 Geography: Nature and Scope 1. Identify the correct group. Question 1. Answer:B Question 2. Answer:A 2. Give geographical reasons. Question 1.Human Geography is multidisciplinary in nature.Answer: Human geography…

Chapter 7 Region and Regional Development

Chapter 7 Region and Regional Development 1. Identify the correct group. Question 1. Answer:D Question 2. Answer:C 2. Differentiate between. Question 1.Functional region and Formal regionAnswer: Question 2.Physical and Political…

Chapter 6 Tertiary Economic Activities

Chapter 6 Tertiary Economic Activities 1. Complete the Chain Question 1. Answer: 2. Choose the correct option. Question 1.Tertiary activities include (a) Use of natural resources (b) Finished product (c)…

Chapter 5 Secondary Economic Activities

Chapter 5 Secondary Economic Activities 1. Complete the Chain Question 1. Answer: 2. Identify the correct correlation. A : Assertion, R : ReasoningQuestion 1.A – The humid climate of Mumbai…

Chapter 4 Primary Economic Activities

Chapter 4 Primary Economic Activities 1. Choose the correct option and complete the sentence. Question 1.The gathering of various products from the forests for livelihood is mainly carried in (a)…

Chapter 3 Human Settlements and Land Use

Chapter 3 Human Settlements and Land Use 1. Identify the correct correlation. A : Assertion R : ReasoningQuestion 1.A – Settlements can be of various types.R – Various physical factors…

Chapter 2 Population Part 2

Chapter 2 Population Part 2 1. Identify the correct co-relation A : Assertion R : ReasoningQuestion 1.A – Increase in the dependency ratio will affect the economy.R – Medical costs…

Chapter 1 Population Part 1

Chapter 1 Population Part 1 1. Identify the correct correlation. A – Assertion R – ReasoningQuestion 1.A – Areas which have fertile soil have dense population.R – Fertile soils are…