Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up! Chit-chat How was this year for you? Are you happy with what you could study this year? What did…

Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Chapter 4.4 The Tempest Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up! Chit-chat Do you have a pet? What do you call it? How old is it? What does it look like?…

Chapter 4.3 Silver

Chapter 4.3 Silver Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up! Chit-chat Have you ever attended a sky-watch or a star-gazing party? Have you ever slept under the open sky? Do you…

Chapter 4.2 Reading Works of Art

Chapter 4.2 Reading Works of Art Textbook Questions and Answers English Workshop: 1. Spot the error in the spellings of the following words with reference to the passage and rewrite…

Chapter 4.1 What is Success?

Chapter 4.1 What is Success? Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up: Chit-chat Do you have a hobby? Do you play a musical instrument? What is the latest thing that you…

Chapter 3.5 Great Scientists

Chapter 3.5 Great Scientists Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up: Chit-chat What would you like to learn about in your Science period? Have you ever tried to do an experiment…

Chapter 3.4 Think Before You Speak!

Chapter 3.4 Think Before You Speak! Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up: Chit-chat Do you write a diary? Do you write letters or notes to your friends and relatives? Do…

Chapter 3.3 To a Butterfly

Chapter 3.3 To a Butterfly Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up: Chit-chat: What games did you play when you were a small child – in pre-primary or primary school? Who…

Chapter 3.2 The Fall of Troy

Chapter 3.2 The Fall of Troy Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up: Chit-chat: Do you know stories from any epics or mythological poems? Who is your favourite mythological character? What…

Chapter 3.1 Coromandel Fishers

Chapter 3.1 Coromandel Fishers Textbook Questions and Answers Warming up: Chit-chat What time do you get up in the morning? What time do you go to bed? Where do you…