Chapter 9 Changing Life 1

Chapter 9 Changing Life 1 Chapter 9 Changing Life 1 Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Choose the proper option and rewrite the completed statements: Question 1.The first open-heart surgery under…

Chapter 10 Changing Life 2

Chapter 10 Changing Life 2 Chapter 10 Changing Life 2 Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Choose the proper option and rewrite the completed sentences: Question 1.India won the cricket world…

Chapter 3 India’s Internal Challenges

Chapter 3 India’s Internal Challenges Chapter 3 India’s Internal Challenges Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Write briefly. Question 1.Which demands were put forward through the ‘Anandpur Sahib Resolution’ by the…

Chapter 8 Industry and Trade

Chapter 8 Industry and Trade Chapter 8 Industry and Trade Textbook Questions and Answers 1A. Choose the right option and rewrite the sentence: Question 1.In 1948, Industrial Finance Corporation of…

Chapter 7 Science and Technology

Chapter 7 Science and Technology Chapter 7 Science and Technology Textbook Questions and Answers 1.A Choose the right option and rewrite the sentence: Question 1._______ was named as the first…

Chapter 5 Education

Chapter 5 Education Chapter 5 Education Textbook Questions and Answers 1. Choose the right option and rewrite the sentence: Question 1.The Scientist who developed the Param – 8000 supercomputer _________.(a)…

Chapter 4 Economic Development

Chapter 4 Economic Development Chapter 4 Economic Development Textbook Questions and Answers 1.A Choose right option and write the sentence: Question 1.On 19th July, 1969 ______ major banks in India…

Chapter 2 India: Events After 1960

Chapter 2 India: Events After 1960 Chapter 2 India: Events After 1960 Textbook Questions and Answers 1. A. Choose the correct option from the given option and rewrite the statements:Question…

Chapter 1 Sources of History

Chapter 1 Sources of History Chapter 1 Sources of History Textbook Questions and Answers 1. A Choose the right option and rewrite the sentence. Question 1.The National Archives of India…