Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds Question 1. Match the pairs. Group A Group B a. C2H6 1. Unsaturated hydrocarbon b. C2H2 2. Molecular formula of an alcohol c. CH4O 3. Saturated…

Chapter 8 Metallurgy

Chapter 8 Metallurgy Question 1. a. Alloy of sodium with mercury. Answer: Silver amalgam. b. Molecular formula of common ore of aluminium. Answer: Al2O3.nH2O c. The oxide that forms salt…

Chapter 7 Lenses

Chapter 7 Lenses Question 1. Match the columns in the following table and explain them: Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Farsightedness Nearby object can be seen clearly Bifocal  lens…

Chapter 10 Space Missions

Chapter 10 Space Missions Question 1. Fill in the blanks and explain the statements with reasoning: a. If the height of the orbit of a satellite from the earth’s surface…

Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Chapter 6 Refraction of Light Question 1. Fill in the blanks and explain the completed statements: a. Refractive index depends on the………….of light. Answer: Refractive index depends on the velocity of light.…

Chapter 5 Heat

Chapter 5 Heat Question 1. Fill in the blanks and rewrite the sentences: a. The amount of water vapour in air is determined in terms of its……….. Answer: The amount…

Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current Question 1. Tell the odd one out. Give proper explanation. a. Fuse wire, bud conductor, rubber gloves, generator. Answer: Generator. It converts mechanical energy…

Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations Question 1. Choose the correct option from the bracket and explain the statement giving reasons : (Oxidation, displacement, electrolysis, reduction, zinc, copper, double diplacement,…

Chapter 2 Periodic Classification of Elements

Chapter 2 Periodic Classification of Elements Periodic Classification Of Elements Question 1. Rearrange the columns 2 and 3 so as to match with the column 1. Column 1 Column 2…

Chapter 1 Gravitation

Chapter 1 Gravitation Exercise Question 1. Study the entries in the following table and rewrite them putting the connected items in a single row : I II III Mass m/s2…