Chapter 1.6 Into the Wild
Chapter 1.6 Into the Wild
Textbook Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Narrate in your class any of the incidents of your life when you were extremely terrified or awestruck.
(Points: alone on a lonely road – lost somewhere – seeing a beautiful sunset – seeing beautiful mountains, etc.)
Question 2.
Complete the given table regarding the factors/situations/reasons – why you sometimes get scared and the factors that add to it. Give possible solutions:

Question 3.
Given below are various activities which you can pursue as your hobby, passion, or profession. Complete the table accordingly:

Question 4.
Match the following ‘Wildlife Sanctuaries’ with their locations:

Question (i)
In pairs, discuss the professions and challenges one can take happily if one is really passionate about the job.
(Points – professions: photography, environmental conservation, writing, reporting, music, choreography, etc. challenges – low salary, difficulties with organizations, uncooperative colleagues, severe competition, etc.
Question (ii)
In groups, organize a role play activity associated with ‘Wildlife Expert’/‘Wildlife Photographer’/ ‘Wildlife Conservator’, explaining the differences and similarities involved in their profession.
(Students can find out the details of each profession from the internet and organize a role play.)
Question (ii)
Correct the false statements:
1. Earlier Shaaz was in the field of finance.
2. The writer saw the fight between the two leopards.
3. The photograph of the old leopard made Shaaz famous.
4. Saya is a black panther.
False statements:
2. The writer saw the fight between the two leopards.
3. The photograph of the old leopard made Shaaz famous.
Corrected statements:
2. The writer did not see the fight between the two leopards.
3. The photograph of the young leopard made Shaaz famous.
Question (iii)
Complete the given web:
Question (iv)
Complete the following:
Question (v)
Complete the flow chart stating the reactions of the petrified Langurs due to the presence of the Leopard.
Question (vi)
Complete the web, describing each step taken by the writer as a solitary traveller while moving in the jungle with great precaution:
Question (vii)
Complete the table explaining the qualities that you would like to imbibe from Nature within yourself and provide the reasons for the same:

Question (i)
Choose the appropriate phrase/ expression from the extract given in the brackets: (time and again, to one’s heart’s content, in a jiffy)
(a) I was on a diet for some days but today I am going to eat ……………… .
(b) Every mother scolds her children …………… for the overuse of the mobile phone.
(c) All their educational problems were sorted out ………….. because of the funds given by an NGO.
(d) Raj ran at a ……………… to catch the train.
I was on a diet for some days but today I am going to eat to my heart’s content.
Every mother scolds her children time and again for the overuse of the mobile phone.
All their educational problems were sorted out in a jiffy because of the funds given by an NGO.
Raj ran at a frantic speed to catch the train.
(i) Begin the following sentences with the words given in the brackets:
Question (a)
I can guide visitors. (Visitors….)
Visitors can be guided by me.
Question (b)
Animals are paying me back. (I……..)
I am being paid back by animals.
Question (c)
Madegowda is employed by The Bison.
(The Bison )
The Bison employs Madegowda.
Question (d)
Older leopards like Pardus carry away livestock from villages. (Livestock….)
Livestock are carried away from villages by older leopards like Pardus.
Question (e)
I have lost almost 80 per cent of a season’s yield of sugarcane. (Almost 80 per cent.)
Almost 80 per cent of a season’s yield of sugarcane has been lost by me.
Question (f)
Tracking an animal also teaches you life lessons. (Life lessons)
Life lessons are also taught by tracking an animal.
Question (g)
Many things have been taught to me by the forests. (The forests)
The forests have taught me many things.
Question (h)
Resentment among locals towards the animals is created by this. (This)
This creates resentment among locals towards the animals.
(ii) Rewrite the sentences by using ‘not only…… but also’:
Question (i)
Rewrite the sentences by using ‘not only….but also’:
1. The petrified Langurs speeded to the trees near and far and secured their places on the treetops.
2. Umbarzara is the haven for Tigers, Leopards and Sloth Bears.
3. I crossed the cement pillar and stones stacked by the Forest Development Corporation.
1. The petrified Langurs not only speeded to the trees near and far but also secured their places on the treetops.
2. Umbarzara is the haven not only for Tigers but also for Leopards and Sloth Bears.
3. I crossed not only the cement pillar but also the stones stacked by the Forest Development Corporation.
Question (i)
Your college has decided to celebrate the World Environment Day. Mr. Kiran Purandare has been invited as the ‘Chief Guest’ for the event. Imagine you are the Secretary of the ‘Nature Club’ of your college and you have to conduct an interview of Mr. Kiran Purandare. Frame 8/10 questions for the same.
Questions to interview Mr Kiran Purandare
Good morning, Sir. On behalf of the Nature Club of our college, I congratulate you on your achievements. We also loved your book ‘Sakha Nagzira’. I would like to ask you a few questions. May I? Thank you.
- Please tell us something about the ‘Environmental Studies’ Course that you studied’.
- Are there any such courses in India, especially in Maharashtra?
- How did you get interested in the conservation of the environment?
- Do you think that we, in Maharashtra, are doing enough to look after our environment?
- How can we get permission to spend time inside sanctuaries?
- You were mostly a solitary traveller inside the forest. What was the reason for this?
- Are there any excursions/expeditions in which you are going to participate, in the near future?
- How can we help you in your work?
- Any tips/message for our Nature Club?
Thank you, sir, for answering our questions so frankly. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
Question (ii)
Imagine you have visited the jungles of Nagarhole. Write a report, to be published in your college magazine/in a local newspaper.
A Week in a Jungle
Mysuru, 13 May: Four of us from N.S. College, Mysuru, spent a week at Nagarhole National Park (Rajiv Gandhi National Park), located in Kodagu District.
It was an exhilarating and educative week. The park is filled with waterfalls, hills, valleys, streams and forests. It is famous for its rich population of animals and birds. The Bengal Tiger, Indian Leopard, Sloth Bear, Striped Hyena, etc. are the predators that can be spotted in the park. Herbivores like Elephants, Chital, Sambar Deer and Barking Deer are also spotted around the national park.
As it was the month of May, and the water holes were drying up, plenty of animals visited the lake, and we had a grand time observing their habits from the machaan which was built for tourists. We were particularly careful not to disturb the environment by talking loudly or playing music. Hence, the animals were at their natural best. We were thrilled to see a pair of Bengal Tigers and a Leopard.
It was wonderful to see these majestic animals from such a close distance. It is truly an unforgettable experience. We could not see the Sloth Bear, but there were plenty of elephants and deer. After an experience like this one, all four of us have decided to visit various sanctuaries and take an avid interest in the wildlife of India.
– Shantanu Pratap.
Question (iii)
Shaaz has contributed towards conserving the wild animals and their habitat. Your college has decided to spread the message in society and arrange a rally. Prepare an ‘Appeal’ to ensure maximum participation informing about the day, date and other relevant details.
Come One Come All!
Come With Friends And Family!
We need your help to save our planet!
Every species is essential for the survival of the planet.
Hence, we need to protect and conserve wild animals and their habitat.
You are the One With A Voice
Protect The Ones Without A Voice
Participate in our rally.
N.S. College Grounds To Forest Office
Date: 12 November Time: 9 a.m.
Save Animals-They Will Save You!
Question (iv)
Nature is a great teacher and a guide. Complete the mind map as instructed as per the titled concept:
Question (i)
Surf the net and obtain more information about the conservation work done by Shaaz. Prepare posters to inspire others and display them on your college notice board.
Question (ii)
Find out the information about the I qualification and eligibility required in the professions related to wildlife such as …………
- Forest officer/Ranger
- Wildlife photographer
- Environmentalist
- Geologist
- Tour Manager
Important Questions and Answers
Read the extract and complete the activities given below:
Global Understanding:
Question 1.
Pick out the sentences that are false and write them correctly:
1. The narrator had made notes of the langurs in the region.
2. One has to be really alert while walking in the jungle.
3. The leopard was petrified.
4. There was a lot of noise in the jungle.
False sentences:
1. The narrator had made notes of the langurs in the region.
3. The leopard was petrified.
Correct sentences:
1. The narrator had made notes of the birds in the region.
2. The langurs were petrified.
Question 2.
Complete the following:
1. Shaaz named the leopards:
(a) Saya
(b) Scarface
(c) Pardus
2. The visitors are welcomed because they can volunteer to teach a skills training class of their choice. This enables locals to find employment either at the numerous wildlife resorts in the region or in a city.
Question 3.
Correct the false statements:
1. BCRTI was founded out of the genuine urge to conserve the habitat of the wild life.
2. Shaaz failed to utilize the finance incurred out of tourism.
3. According to the local agriculturist seeing is more essential than listening.
4. There was no specific buffer zone around Nagarhole.
False statements:
2. Shaaz failed to utilize the finance incurred out of tourism.
3. According to the local agriculturist seeing is more essential than listening.
Corrected statements :
2. Shaaz put the finance incurred out of tourism to good use.
3. According to the local agriculturist listening is more essential than seeing.
Complex Factual:
Question 1.
Pick out from the extract four sentences that show that the writer was frightened.
- The evening breeze flew through my wet curled hair.
- My stomach was aching.
- My legs were trembling.
- The shaking of limbs had lessened a bit.
Question 2.
Describe the meaning of the acronym BCRTI and explain its benefits to the local people.
The BCRTI is ‘Buffer Conflict Resolution Trust of India’. It’s an agency that educates villagers who live on the fringe of the forest on the importance of conservation. Under the BCRTI umbrella, Shaaz provides locals with vocational training, with the aim of educating them on the merits of conservation and to help them benefit from tourist currency. The visitors at the resort are welcome to volunteer to teach a skills training class of their choice. The acquired skills enable locals to find employment.
Question 1.
Explain: I was alone here like a fox:
Foxes are solitary creatures. They move around and hunt alone. In the same way, the narrator was alone; he had come to the forest alone to do his research, and now he was going back to the village all alone. Hence, he compares himself to a fox.
Question 2.
Give the meaning of the word ‘hide’ in the context and give reasons for its usage here.
A hide is a camouflaged shelter used to get a close view of wildlife. It is a place built to look like its surrounding. The writer was observing birds and noting their behaviour. If he was visible, the birds would not come near him or act in a natural manner. Hence, he had to build a hide, conceal himself in it and then observe birds unnoticed.
Question 3.
Give reasons:
1. After meeting Raju, the writer and Raju both felt relaxed because now there were two of them-four eyes and four hands with a stick-to find their way out of the jungle and to battle predators.
2. The time was dreadful because it was evening and the sun was setting. Being alone in the jungle at night time with predators all around was dreadful.
Question 4.
What is called ‘silver lining’ of the trail by the writer? Why?
The writer had lost his way in the jungle and was desperate to find a village and civilization. Then he found a bright red soil trail with the marks of a bicycle wheel on it. These marks showed that there was a village nearby. To the frightened and desperate writer, this was like a ‘silver lining’.
Question 5.
The writer said, “There still exists a jungle where we can get lost, isn’t this our good luck?” What does he mean by this?
Human beings have tried to take over all the natural areas of the world. We have encroached on jungles and forests, and there are human inhabitations within the jungles too. To find a jungle where there is no sign of human life, and one can still get lost, shows that there are some areas untouched by humans and left to nature. That is what the writer called ‘our good luck’.
Question 6.
Describe Shaaz’s meetings with Scarface.
One day, at sunset, Shaaz and his companions went round a blind turn and saw an old leopard, well past his prime. Close to him was another very young, good-looking male leopard who was soon to come into his prime. It was like looking at the past and the present. It was clear that there was going to be a fight. However, they had to leave as it was sunset.
The next day, when Shaaz went back to the spot, sitting on the high rock was Scarface, blood dripping from a gash across his face. He sat there like he was the king of the jungle, and Shaaz knew that he had taken over from the old leopard, and it was a new journey for both of them.
Question 7.
Find: The Bison is
The Bison is an eco-friendly wildlife camp in South India. It offers some great opportunities for youngsters to learn about the area, people, the man-animal conflict, eco-tourism and hotel management.
Personal Response:
Question 1.
Describe a safari you have been on or a trip through a forest. Narrate your experience in brief.
I have gone to the Periyar National Park in Kerala. It is in the Western Ghats. This wildlife sanctuary is home to tigers and elephants. There are also deer, leopards and Indian bison. I have also been on a boat ride in the Periyar Lake. It was a wonderful experience to see tigers drinking at the watering holes. I really enjoyed the experience and will repeat it as soon as I can.
Question 2.
Have you ever been lost/lost your way? Narrate the experience.
Yes, once when I was in Panchgani with my family I got lost. I decided to go for a walk alone. I set out without finding out the name of the road on which our hotel was situated. As I was walking, it suddenly began to rain heavily, and got quite dark. When I looked around I found that I was in a sort of a jungle. I was terrified; then I met a villager, but he could not help me. I did not even have my cellphone with me. I was in tears when all at once I saw my hotel. I had walked round in circles! I was very relieved. It was indeed a frightening experience.
Question 3.
How do you relax at the end of a tiring day? Give a brief description.
At the end of a tiring day, I pick up a nice book or watch a good film on TV or Netflix. This relaxes me completely. If I go to sleep j directly, I am too tired and do not get good sleep. But if I spend half an hour or so unwinding, I really feel relaxed and sleepy.
Question 4.
Would you like to meet wild animals face to face? Give reasons to support your answer.
No, I would not. I like to see wild animals only on TV. I feel that we should not intrude into their territory, and leave them to live in peace. Besides, they are wild and not tame, and one never knows how they may behave. I have read about a lot of people being killed by wild animals.
Language Study:
Question 1.
The surroundings were reminding me.
(Rewrite, beginning the sentence with ‘I…)
I was being reminded by the surroundings.
Question 2.
I had apparently entered in the sanctum sanctorum of a miracle called leopard.
(Pick out the finite verb/s and state the tense.)
had entered – past perfect tense.
Question 3.
Raju was amazed at my solitary visits to Umbarzara.
(Rewrite beginning ‘My solitary’)
My solitary visits to Umbarzara amazed Raju.
Question 3.
Then we both resumed our walking tour, (Identify the part of speech of the underlined word.)
walking-present participle acting as an adjective.
Question 4.
I found a bright red soil trail. (Rewrite beginning with‘A ’.)
A bright red soil trail was found by me.
Question 5.
I had no other way to climb the hillock before me. (Rewrite as an affirmative sentence.)
This was the only way I had to climb the hillock before me.
Question 6.
I climbed one more hillock and tried to locate signs of human civilization. (Rewrite beginning ‘Climbing’.)
Climbing one more hillock, I tried to locate signs of human civilization.
Question 7.
The behaviour of the first black panther is being documented. (They….)
They are documenting the behaviour of the first black panther.
Question 8.
All the research on the animal has been done through camera traps. (They….)
They have done all the research on the animal through camera traps.
Question 9.
Shaaz recalls the incident with great clarity.
(Rewrite the sentence replacing the underlined expression with a single word.)
Shaaz recalls the incident clearly.
Question 10.
Unfortunately, the sun was setting and we had to leave. (Rewrite using ‘because’.)
Unfortunately, we had to leave because the sun was setting.
Question 11.
Use the word ‘guide’ as a noun and a verb in two separate sentences:
1. We can guide children to behave well. {verb)
2. I hired a local guide to show me the sights of the palace, {noun)
Question 12.
The black panther has taught me patience. (Rewrite using the adjective form of the underlined word.)
The black panther has taught me to be patient.
Question 13.
Listening is a sense far more important than sight. (Rewrite using ‘as…as…’)
Sight is a sense not as important as listening.
Question 1.
Guess the meaning of the following words :
- upheaval
- predator
- hovering
- antelope
- upheaval – uproar; disturbance.
- predator – an animal that preys on other animals.
- hovering – fluttering in the air.
- antelope – deer-like animal with hollow horns.
Question 2.
Give the meaning of the phrase ‘to stay put’ and use it in your own sentence.
to stay put:
Meaning: remain somewhere without moving.
Sentence: My mother told me to stay put near the entrance when she went to buy the train ticket.
Question 3.
Write two adjectives from the extract used for the leopard.
mighty, elusive.
Question 4.
Choose the correct option for: spooked –
(a) frightened
(b) happy
(c) angry
Question 5.
Find the contextual meaning of‘stacked’:
stacked – piled one on top of the other
Question 6.
Guess the meaning of ‘in a jiffy’:
in a jiffy – in a moment; very soon
Question 7.
Make sentences of your own using the words:
1. slumped
2. stumbled
1. slumped: I was so tired after the trek that I slumped onto my bed and fell I asleep immediately.
2. stumbled: I did not see the stone in the middle of the road and stumbled over it.
Question 8.
Guess the meaning of:
1. ‘felines’
2. chronicler
1. felines: belonging to the cat family,
2. chronicler: a person who records something.
Question 9.
Pick out two pairs of antonyms from the : extract:
1. old × young
2. past × present
Question 10.
Write the noun forms of:
- famous
- enviable
- collect
- including
- famous – fame
- enviable – envy
- collect – collection
- including – inclusion
Question 11.
Write the adjective forms of the following:
- incursion
- territory
- resentment
- occasion
- employment
- region
- incursion – incursive
- territory – territorial
- resentment – resentful
- occasion – occasional
- employment – employable
- region – regional ?
Question 12.
Choose the correct simple past tense forms of the following from the brackets:
- teach – (teached, teaching, taught)
- lose – (loser, lost, loose)
- put – (put, putted, putting)
- learn – (lean, learnt, learns)
- teach – taught
- lose – lost
- put – put
- learn – learnt.
Non Textual Grammar:
Do as directed:
Question 1.
He had won a prize in the drawing competition. (Rewrite using the future perfect tense of the verb.)
He will have won a prize in the drawing competition.
Question 2.
How could I call him a liar? (Rewrite as an assertive sentence.)
I could not call him a liar.
Question 3.
All other things are unimportant. (Add a question tag.)
All other things are unimportant, aren’t they ?
Spot the error in the following sentences and rewrite them correctly:
Question 1.
Unless you do not listen to his advice, I am not going to help you.
Unless you listen to his advice, I am not going to help you./If you do not listen to his ? advice, I am not going to help you.
Question 2.
Hardly had I reached the airport where I heard about the change in plans.
Hardly had I reached the airport when I heard about the change in plans.