Chapter 4.1 The World is Mine


Chapter 4.1 The World is Mine

Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up:

1. Form groups and discuss the following turn by turn:

Question (a)
What do you often, complain to your parents/eiders about?

We often complain to our parents/elders about the things that we don’t have.

Question (b)
Name some of the things, you have in your possession, which your younger brother/sister does not have.

I have my mobile, bank account, sports shoes but my younger brother does not have them.

Question (c)
Name one thing that, at present, you are craving to possess, most of all.

At present, I am craving most of all, to possess my own laptop.

Question (d)
Read the translated Arabic proverb given below and discuss what it means to convey –
‘I complained that I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet’.

The translated Arabic proverb means to convey that I am unhappy because I haven’t got shoes but when I saw a man who had no feet, I felt very happy that God has gifted me with feet.

2. Read the poem below and fill in the gaps choosing the appropriate words given in the brackets, to make it meaningful. Also suggest a title of your own:

Question 1.
Read the poem below and fill in the gaps choosing the appropriate words given in the brackets, to make it meaningful. Also suggest a title of your own: (hours/fall/flowers/at all/ birthday /years/tears/ shadows)

– Count your garden by the …………….
Never by the lea ves that …………….
Count your days by golden …………..
Don remember clouds ………………

– Count your nights by stars, not ……………
Count your life with smiles, not ……………
And with joy. on evely ……………
Count your age by friends not …………..
Title: Think positive Be happy!
Count your garden by the flowers
Never by the leaves that fall
Count your days by golden hours
Don’t remember clouds at all

Count your nights by stars, not shadows
Count your life with smiles, not tears
And with joy, on every birthday
Count your age by friends not years.

3. Fill in the table on your own:

Question 1.
Fill in the table on your own:


What makes me extremely happy?

What makes me extremely sad?

1. If someone praises me.

1. If I do not get things that I like.

2. When I get gift from others.

2. If someone blames me unnecessarily.

3. Going for outing/ picnic.

3. When my parents or teachers shout at me.

4. When I go out for shopping.

4. When someone dear to me dies.

4. Make the world a happy place by changing negative things into positive ones.

Question 1.
Make the world a happy place by changing negative things into positive ones.


Sad world

Happy world

1. hatred

1. love

2. injustice

2. justice

3. poverty

3. richness

4. intolerance

4. tolerance

5. selfishness

5. unselfishness/selflessness

6. fear

6. confidence/fearlessness

7. jealousy

7. admiration/appreciations

8. enmity

8. friendship

9. differences

9. unity

10. unrest

10. peace

11. dirt

11. purity/cleanliness

12. sorrow

12. happiness/joy

English Workshop:
(Based on full Poem)

1. Complete the following, after reading the poem.

Question 1.
Complete the following, after reading the poem.
(a) The poet saw a lovely girl hobble down ………….. .
(b) The poet wanted to buy from the lad …………… .
(c) The poet told the boy to join others to play but he couldn’t …………… .
(d) The poet requests …………… to forgive him.

The poet met a lovely girl on a bus.
The poet wanted to buy from the lad some sweets.
The poet told the boy to join the others to play but he couldn’t hear.
The poet requests God to forgive him.

2. Match the following.

Question 1.
Match the following.

(a) A beautiful girl……. – had one leg and used a crutch.
(b) The lad who was selling candies……….. – was blind
(c) The child who was watching the others play…. – could not hear the poet.
(d) The poet says that the world is mine because…. – by the grace of God he can experience this beautiful Torld

3. What does the poet mean when she says ‘The world is mine?’ Explain the importance of the title with reference to the poem.

Question 1.
What does the poet mean when she says ‘The world is mine?’ Explain the importance of the title with reference to the poem.

The poet means to say that we must count our blessings and be grateful for the good things in our life rather than complaining about the things which we think we lack. By the end of every stanza the poet says that she is grateful to God for giving her everything in the world she wants in life. So the title of the poem is appropriate with reference to the poem. It gives the gist of the poem, ‘Contentment is happiness’.

4. Answer in your own words:

Question (a)
What is the theme of the poem?

The Central Idea of the poem is that you must count your blessings (=to be grateful for the good things in your life) rather than complain about the things which you think, you lack. When you are thankful to God for all the good things you are endowed with, then the world and its joys are yours. Then you cherish the things which you often take for granted and find no reason for complaining.

Question (b)
Do you think people with some handicap should beg for money? Justify your response.

People with some handicap should not beg for money because God gifts them something extraordinary with which they can earn their bread and butter. Working even in hard conditions is better than begging. The handicapped can utilize some of their gifted qualities for living normal life, not very different from the rest.

Question (c)
What is better?
(i) To completely take over the work and responsibility of a disabled person in order to help
(ii) Encourage such a person to do it himself/ herself in a different way. Justify your choice.

It is better that we should encourage a disabled person to do something in his/her life. Besides his/her handicap, God blesses him/her with extraordinary power with which he/she can work and earn money and respect in their lives. To completely take over the responsibility of a disabled  person in order to help will make him/her dependent all his/her life and he/she will live helpless and ; disgraceful life throughout.

5. Make a list of pairs of rhyming words from the extract.

Question (a)
Make a list of pairs of rhyming words from the extract.
For example, whine – mine, …………., …………….

  1. hair – fair
  2. charm – harm
  3. kind – blind.

Question (b)
The Rhyme scheme of the first two stanzas is ………….

1. aabcc (first stanza)
2. abbccdd (second stanza)

6. Pick out from the poem lines which contain the following figures of speech:

Question 1.
Pick out from the poem lines which contain the following figures of speech:
(a) Inversion ………………………………………….

Today, upon a bus, I saw a very beautiful girl.
The correct order of the sentence would be
I saw a very beautiful girl upon a bus today.

(b) Interrogation ………………………………………

I stopped a moment, then I said, “Why don’t you join the others dear? ”.

(c) Onomatopoeia ………………………………………

O’ God, forgive me when I whine.

(d) Apostrophe ……………………………………………

O God, forgive me when I whine.

7. Pick out 4 lines that contain imagery:

Question 1.
Pick out 4 lines that contain imagery:
(a) ………………………………………..
(b) ………………………………………..
(c) ………………………………………..
(d) ………………………………………..

(a) I saw lovely girl with silken hair. I saw her hobble down the aisle.
(b) I saw a child with eyes of blue.
(c) With eyes to see the sunset’s glow.
(d) With ears to hear what I would know.

8. Among your classmates, one is lame, the second one can’t hear properly and the third one can’t see this beautiful world. All of them are facing lots of difficulties in life. Compose a dialogue among them, about the problems and difficulties faced by them. You ; can take help of the following dialogue to expand your ideas:

Question 1.
Among your classmates, one is lame, the second one can’t hear properly and the third one can’t see this beautiful world. All of them are facing lots of difficulties in life. Compose a dialogue among them, about the problems and difficulties faced by them. You ; can take help of the following dialogue to expand your ideas:

Student 1: Do you know, how many problems I have to face when I decide to go anywhere?
Student 2: I can’t hear anything.
Student 3: So, sad! You both can’t walk or hear but my problem is more serious than yours. You know, I can’t see this beautiful world. (Now continue in your notebook.)

Title: Helping each other wins through your problems

  1. Raj: Do you know, how many problems I (a lame) have to face when I decide to go anywhere?
  2. Sanju: Yes, I can understand but at least you (a deaf) can hear, I can’t hear anything.
  3. Amit: So, sad! You both can’t walk or hear (a blind) but my problem is more serious than yours. You know, I can’t see this beautiful world.
  4. Sanju: No dear, I can’t hear but I can walk.
  5. Raj: But I can’t walk like you. But I can I hear and speak.
  6. Amit: See, all of us lack something in our life. If we come together, we will be of great help to each other.
  7. Raj: You are absolutely right. If Sanju and you take me on your back I will describe this beautiful world to you.
  8. Sanju: You are right, my dear. I am strong enough to carry you but how can I hear what you say?
  9. Amit: Don’t be disappointed. Raj can speak and see this beautiful world. I am good at using of my hands and facial emotions. Don’t worry, you can understand what we mean to say by our expressions and gestures.
  10. Raj: That’s good. If we help each other, we can understand what our teachers teach and our friends say.
  11. Sanju: I can see and I am strong enough to face difficulties in our life. If you are ready to become my ‘ears’ I will definitely help you.
  12. Amit: Of course. You both are my two eyes and I can see this beautiful world through your eyes.
  13. Raj: Thanks both of you for being my two legs. Now I think we will not face any difficulty in our life, if we come together and live together.
  14. Sanju: Absolutely right! Let’s come together and Amit and make our life easy, enjoyable, smooth, secure and favourable.

9. Develop/Complete the story in your own words and try to end it with a related moral/proverb. Suggest a title:

Question 1.
A polio victim and a strong, but visually challenged man, were friends. They wished to go to pay homage at a place of worship, three kilometres away. Now, continue the story and try to end it with a related moral/proverb.


You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours A polio victim and a strong, but visually challenged man, were friends. They wished to go to pay homage at a place of worship, three kilometres away. After walking some distance Mohan, who was a polio victim couldn’t walk further. So he requested his friend Yeshudas to wait for him under a shade of a tree.

Yeshudas, the visually challenged man was very strong and kind. He told his friend, f “If you are really tired, I will take you on my back and if you show me the way, we will reach the place ! of worship on time. Mohan agreed and said to Yeshudas, “That’s a good idea. I will show you the way and whenever you get tired I will walk a little. Don’t worry! I will not be a burden throughout the journey.” “Good, but my dear friend, I wouldn’t mind to carry you on my back till we reach our destination.”

In this way, they decided to help each other. Yeshudas lifted his friend Mohan on his back and showed him the way. With the help of each other both of them could reach the Shiva temple on time and paid homage to lord Shiva. They proved that “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Where there is a will, there is a way
Help each other and win what you wish.

10. Recite/Read your favourite or any English poem before the class. Take help of the following points while reciting the poem:

Question 1.
Recite/Read your favourite or any English poem before the class. Take help of the following points while reciting the poem:

(a) Confidence and fluency
(b) Appropriate pronunciation and intonation
(c) Take proper pauses/stresses
(d) Proper voice and tone
(e) Pay attention to the music and rhythm of words and lines.

11. Translate into your medium of instructions:

Question (a)
A disabled person is needed in society, so that normal people can realize their blessings.

सर्वसामान्य लोकांना त्यांना मिळालेल्या वरदानांची जाणीव व्हावी, याकरिता समाजात दिव्यांग (विकलांग) व्यक्ती असण्याची गरज असते.

Question (b)
A true friend ignores your weaknesses, corrects you and encourages you to make full use of your strengths.

खरा मित्र तुमच्या उणिवांकडे (कमतरतांकडे) दुर्लक्ष करतो, तुमच्या चुका दुरुस्त करतो आणि तुमच्या क्षमतांचा पुरेपूर उपयोग करण्याकरिता उत्तेजन देतो.

Question (c)
One cannot change everything that one faces; but nothing can be changed unless one faces it.

एखादयाला धैर्याने तोंड दयावी लागणारी प्रत्येक गोष्ट बदलता येणे शक्य नसते, परंतु धैर्याने सामोरे गेल्याशिवाय कोणालाही कोणतीच गोष्ट बदलणे शक्य नसते.

12. Write a letter to your father requesting him to attend the social and cultural gathering of your school. Take help of the points given below.

Question 1.
Write a letter to your father requesting him to attend the social and cultural gathering of your school.
Take help of the points given below.
(a) Social and cultural gathering a mega event.
(b) Varieties of activities conducted in the gathering.
(c) Your participation in two or three activities.
(d) Need to boost your confidence.

Sameer Sane,
Blue Star Boys’ Hostel,
Dist – Satara.
26th Dec., 2020

Dear father,
I was quiet happy to read your second letter in a week. I am happy to write this letter to invite you for our social and cultural gathering. You know it is a mega event of our school and we always eagerly wait for it.

This year being the Golden Jubilee Year of our school, it is going to be a great event. So we are allowed to invite our parents. There will be varieties of activities performed in it. I am participating in a solo dance, a skit and a group dance. You know I always like to do something different. Our school really provides a good opportunity through our Annual Gathering. We always try to bring some social issues through cultural activities, so this time we are focusing on the theme, “Save the girl child”. Hope you will appreciate it.

The gathering will be held on 3rd January from 7 ’o clock to ll’o clock in the evening. So I request you to attend it with mother and be a part of my happiness. Everything is going well and good here. Don’t worry about my studies. How is granny now? Convey my regards to mom, granny and Sawant aunty, our neighbour.

I am eagerly waiting for your arrival on the day of gathering. And please call me on mobile so that I can confirm the seats for both of you.

Your loving son,
Sameer Sane

13. Project:

Question 1.
Divide the class into groups and conduct a poster-making competition for an Eye/Blood Donation Camp. Fix up the details of the above camp, like time, place etc.:

(Note : Students should do this project on their own and present it before the class.)

Simple Factual Activities:

Question 1.
State whether you Agree or Disagree with the following statements:

  1. The poet saw a lovely girl in a train. – Disagree
  2. A beautiful girl had one leg and used a crutch. – Agree
  3. The lad who was selling sweet was very sad. – Disagree
  4. The poet was very kind with the lad who was selling sweet. – Agree

Question 2.
Complete the following sentences by using an appropriate word from the poem:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

1. The girl was lovely, gay and fair.
2. The lad thanked the poet for his kindness.

Question 3.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

1. The boy was watching the others play.
2. While walking down the street, the poet saw a boy with blue eyes.

Question 4.
State whether the following statements are True or False:

  1. The poet told the lad to join others to play. – True
  2. The poet could not hear the boy. – False
  3. The poet requests the boy to forgive him. – False
  4. The poet is very lucky by the grace of God. – True
  5. The boy was watching the circus – False
  6. The boy whom the poet met could not hear. – True
  7. The writer didn’t pay any attention to the boy. – False
  8. The eyes of the boy were red – False

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Match the information in column ‘A’ with column ‘B’:

Column ‘A’

Column ‘B’

1. The poet saw a lovely girl….
2. The lad who was selling sweets….

1. was calm and had a charm on his face.
2. had one leg and used a crutch.

1. The poet saw a lovely girl………… – on a bus.
2. The lad who was selling sweets ……….. – was calm and had a charm on his face.

Question 2.
Describe the young girl in the bus.

The young girl in the bus was very beautiful and happy. She was also very fair. She had lovely silken hair. But unfortunately she was walking with a limp.

Question 3.
What did the speaker in the poem not realize while chatting with the young lad?

When the speaker in the poem was chatting with the young lad he didn’t realize that the young lad was blind.

Question 4.
Complete the following web:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

Question 5.
Match the following.

Column ‘A’

Column ‘B’

1. When the boy looked ahead without a word, the poet realized that….

(a) by the grace of God he can experience this beautiful world.

2. The poet requests God to…..

(b) he was deaf.

1. When the boy looked ahead without a word, the poet realized that…. – he was deaf.
2. The poet requests God to – forgive him.

Question 6.
Why did the blue-eyed boy not join the others in their game?

The blue-eyed boy did not join the others in their game because he could not hear as he was deaf.

Question 7.
What does the speaker thank God for?

After meeting some disabled people, the speaker realised that even though these people lacked something in their life, they were happy. He thanks God because he is blessed with everything to live a happy life so he realises that there is nothing in the world for him to complain.

Activities based on Poetic Devices:

Question 1.
Write down rhyming pairs from the extract.

Rhyming pairs

  1. blue – do
  2. dear – hear
  3. whine – mine
  4. glow – know

Appreciation of poem:

  1. Title: The title of the poem is ‘The world is mine’.
  2. Poet: The poem is written by Joy Lovelet Crawford.
  3. Rhyme scheme : Rhyming scheme of the 1st and last stanza is same aabcc, second stanza
    abbccdd, 3rd stanza aabbcc, 4th stanza aabcc.
  4. Figure of Speech (Any 1): Apostrophe, Inversion
  5. Theme / Central Idea : The Central Idea of the poem is that you must count your blessings (=to be grateful for the good things in your life) rather than complain about the things which you think, you lack.

When you are thankful to God for all the good things you are endowed with, then the world and its joys are yours. Then you cherish the things which you often take for granted and find no reason for complaining.