
MARCH 2022


Q. 1. (A) Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the sentences:

(1) The first English newspaper in India was started by………………………….
(a) James Augustus Hickey
(b) Sir John Marshall
(c) Allen Hume
(d) Michel Foucault

Answer : (a) James Augustus Hickey.

(2) The first Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India was ………………………….
(a) Alexander Cunninghum
(b) William Jones
(c) John Marshall
(d) Friedrich Max Muller

Answer : (a) Alexander Cunninghum.

(3) The first museum in India is …………………………. at Kolkata.

(a) Government Museum

(b) National Museum

(c) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastusangrahalay

(d) Indian Museum

Answer: (d) Indian Museum.

(B) Identify the wrong pair in the following and rewrite it :

(1) (i) Benjamin Tudela – Spain

(ii) Marco Polo – Italy

(iii) Ibn Batuta – India

(iv) Yuan Shwang – China

Answer : (iii) Ibn Batuta – India

(2) (i) Mallakhamb – Physical Exercise game

(ii) Kabaddi – Outdoor games

(iii) Ice Hockey – Adventurous games

(iv) Atyapatya – Indoor games

Answer : (iv) Atyapatya-Indoor games

Answer :

(2) Complete the following concept map :

Answer :

Q. 9. Answer in brief (any one) :

(1) What is meant by establishment of social justice?

Answer: To establish social justice is to remove those social conditions which are responsible for injustice and insist on the equality of dignity for all individuals. The principles of justice and equality aim at ending discrimination in social status such as superior or inferior on the basic of caste, religion, language and gender, place of birth, race, property and giving equality of opportunity for development to every individual.

(2) What are the challenges in conducting free and fair elections?

Answer : Taking into consideration the size of our country there are many voters and to make a fair voting the Election Commission has to work with the law while dealing with following challenges.

(i) Misuse of money is the major challenge during the election period. Election Commission has to work in accordance with this to stop the misuse of money.

(ii) There are sometimes violence during election. The extent of violence increases significantly during election.

(iii) Many political parties give election ticket to the candidates with criminal background. This results not only in criminalisation of politics but the Election Commission also faces problem in ensuring that elections are conducted in free environment.

(iv) Leaders give election tickets to their own relatives. This can create a family monopoly in politics.

(3) (i) James Augustus Hickey – Bengal Gazette

(ii) Balshastri Jambhekar – Darpan

(iii) Bhau Mahajan _ – Dnyanoday

(iv) Bal Gangadhar Tilak – Kesari

Answer : (iii) Bhau Mahajan-Dnyanoday

Q. 2. (A) Complete the following concept chart/map (any two) :

(1) Complete the following timeline regarding Encyclopaedias related to History subject :

Answer :

(2) Complete the following concept chart:

Answer :

(3) Complete the following concept map:

Answer :

(B) Write short notes on (any two) :

(1) Subaltern History

Answer : It means the bottommost ranks and its history developed from the idea that history should be written from bottommost ranks of people in the society. This is developed by Italian historian Antonio Gramsci. The seeds of subaltern history are supposed to be found in Marxist historiography.

(2) Voltaire

Answer : He was a French writer, essayist and philosopher. He was known for his wit, satire and defence of civil liberties. He sought to defend freedom of religious and political thought and played a major role in the enlightenment period of the century.

(3) Louvre Museum

Answer : The Louvre Museus in Paris was established in the century. It houses antiquities collected by the royal family of France. The world famous painting of Monalisa by LeonardodaVinci is kept in this museum. The antiquities brought back by Nepoleon Bonaparte on his return from his conquests are exhibited in it.

Q. 3. Explain the following statements with reasons (any two) :

(1) We must preserve our natural and cultural heritage.

Answer : Heritage helps in building our identity. The history of our heritage links us with our origin. Hence, it is essential for our benefit as well as for the benefit of future generations to pressure and conserve our natural and cultural heritage.

(2) Knowledge of history is essential for newspaper articles.

Answer : The history of news needs to be published. Newspapers publish separate columns about the historical information to commemorate a special occasion such as the Independence Day, World Environment Day etc.

The knowledge of history thus, becomes essential for newspaper articles.

(3) Toys can tell us about cultural history.

Answer : Toys can tells us about cultural history. They are used as symbols and models for different cultures and traditions being followed since past. Thus keeping the memory of cultural societies, toys are a medium to child’s perception of culture.

(4) Running commentaries of cricket broadcasted by Bal. J. Pandit on Akashvani were entertaining.

Answer: Yes, it was because he was the first Indian cricketer to pioneer cricket commentary. People used to listen very eagerly to his brodcasts from Akashvani. His well studied commentaries were full of information about the history of the players, anecdotes about the game and established records of the game.

Q. 4. Read the following extract and answer the questions below :

Sohagaura Copper-plate : The copper-plate was found at Sohagaura (District Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh). It is supposed to be from the Mauryan period. The inscription on it is in Brahmi script. The symbols known as ‘Tree-in-railing’ and ‘Mountain’ at the beginning of the inscription also occur on punch marked coins. Another symbol which looks like a structure erected on four pillars is supposed to be indicative of a granary. The inscription records a royal order that the grains stored in the granary should be distributed carefully. It is is supposed to be suggestive of precautions taken in the times of a famine.

(1) Where was the Sohagaura Copper-plate found?

Answer : It was found at Sohagaura in Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh.

(2) In which script is Sohagaura Copper-plate?

Answer : It is in Bramhi script.

(3) Explain the importance of Sohagaura Copper-plate at the source of History.

Answer : Since the copper-plate is supposed to be from the Mauryan period, it provides the information about the political, social and social conditions of that period. It also has an inscription which records a royal order that the grains stored in the granary should be distributed carefully. This suggests the precautions taken in the times of a famine.

Q. 5. Answer the following questions in detail (any two) :

(1) How can we correlate Applied History with our present?

Answer :

  • Applied history is used in the study of the culture and traditions of the people in the present as they are related to the past.
  • It is used in the study of ancestry of the people in a certain society.
  • It also helps in study of scientific knowledge, like fossils.

(2) Write in detail ‘History of Akashwani’.

Answer :

(i) After Independence, All India Radio (AIR) became an integral part of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in India.

(ii) It got its name ‘Akashwani’ on the suggestion of the famous poet . Narendra Sharma.

(iii) Initially, it broadcasted governmental programmes and schemes. But at present, it broadcasts various entertainment, awareness creating and literary programmes.

(3) Explain the difference between outdoor and indoor games.

Answer :

Indoor games

Outdoor games


Those games which can be played

inside the home or any close place are

called indoor games.

(i) Those games which re

space for playing and c

inside the home are calle


There is no interference in the game by

any kind of weather event at outside.

(ii) The weather conditions interfere with the


Example : Chess, Snake and Ladder.

(iii) Example : Hockey, Cricket, etc.

(4) What are the professional opportunities in the Tourism and Hospitality industry available to History students?

Answer : Tourism and hospitality is an industry with potential to create maximum employment opportunities.

(i) The main professions associated with it are is local guides, translators, local handicrafts, artisans.

(ii) These people help the visitors to understand the importance of locality and make them aware of local traditions.

(iii) The local markets will be visited by the visitors, where they buy the local products which increase the market for local handicrafts.

Q. 6. Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statements :

(1) The essence of democracy is
(a) Universal Adult Franchise
(b) Decentralization of power
(c) Policy of reservation of seats
(d) Judicial decisions

Answer : (b) Decentralization of power.

(2) In the pre-independence period ………….. tribe from Orissa revolted against the British rule.
(a) Koli
(b) Gond
(c) Bhilla
(d) Ramoshi

Answer : (b) Gond.

Q. 7. State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for your answer (any :

(1) The judgements of court on various subjects have made the political process in India more mature.

Answer: True, because the protection provided to the citizens by fundamental rights in the constitution has been made more significant through various decisions of judiciary. Some of the important subjects on which the court has given judgements include rights of children, protection of human rights and trital empowerment. These efforts have made the political process in India more mature.

(2) The State Government decides as to when and in how many stages the elections would be held in a particular state.

Answer : False, because the Election Commission decides as to when and in how many stages the elections would be held in a particular state. It is the sole authority for conducting elections in India.

(3) Consumer movement came into existence.

Answer : True, after the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act in 1986, the consumer movement works to protect consumers from various fraudlent practices such as adulteration, increased cost of items, etc.

Q. 8. (A) Write the following concept (any one) :

(1) Multiparty system

Answer : Multiparty system : In political science, a multiparty system is a political system in which multiple political parties across the political spectrum run for national elections, and all have the capacity to gain control of government office separately or in coalition.

(2) Water revolution

Answer : Water revolution : It means that to be a revolution which lays stress or reuse of waste water, setting up farmponds and making scientifically done rain-water harvesting mandatory. Adapting water conservation techniques such as drip irrigation technology can help to secure water in India.

(B) Do as directed (any one) :

(1) Complete the following flow chart :

Process of Elections :

Establishment of Constituencies

Answer :

Establishment of Constituencies

(2) Complete the following concept diagram :

Q. 9. Anwer in brief (any one) :

(1) Which decisions of the court has resulted in protection of honour and dignity of women ?

Answer :

  • The decision of the court in the cases of domestic violence, sextual harrassment in the workplace etc. has resulted in the protection of honour and dignity of women.
  • The most recent case in the news had been the matter of triple talaq where the practice was declared as unconstitutional as per the decision of the Supreme Court.
  • The Supreme Court as the apex judicial body is responsible for ensuring the protection of fundamental rights.

(2) Why movements need a strong leadership?

Answer :

  • Because, the success of any movement depends on leadership. The movement remains active because of a strong leadership.
  • The decisions regarding the objectives of the movement, programme of action, strategy of agitation are decided and taken by the leaders.
  • Firm leadership has a wide reach. It can get public support and makes the movement very effective. So, the need of a strong leadership is utmost essential.