Unit 1.5 Joan of Arc

Unit 1.5 Joan of Arc

Question 1.
Discuss in groups/pairs and make a list of the weapons used in the old times and in the present times.

Weapons used in the past

Weapons used nowadays


Weapons used in the past

Weapons used nowadays

stones, bow and arrows, spears, swords, lances, catapults, axes, daggers, cutlasses, etc.

missiles, hand grenades, bombs, machine guns, tanks, nuclear weapons, etc.

Question 2.
Imagine that you are the captain of your school Kabaddi team. Your final match is against a very strong team. Your team members are sure that you will lose. How will you boost their morale? Work in groups and prepare a short list of what can encourage the team.
(Some points: pointing out your team’s strong points—the opponent’s weak points—the hard practice you have put in—the various occasions where underdogs have won unexpectedly, etc.)

Question 3.
Adding different prepositions to the same action verb changes the meaning of the phrases, thus formed.
For example,
call out – announce
call at – visit
call for – summon
call up – make a telephonic call
call off – cancel

Guess the difference in meanings of the underlined phrases.
(1) (a) He promised to look into the matter …………………….. .
(b) He asked me to look for his lost book …………………….. .
(c) I shall look forward to your arrival …………………….. .
(a) He promised to look investigate into the matter.
(b) He asked me to look search for his lost book.
(C) I shall look forward await eagerly to your arrival

(2) (a) An epidemic of cholera broke out in the village …………………….. .
(b) The thieves broke into the locked house …………………….. .
(c) They broke up their friendship …………………….. .
(a) An epidemic of started sudden’y cholera broke out in
(b) The thieves broke entered illegally a Into the locked house. forcibly
(c) They broke up their ended friendship.

(3) (a) You must carry out your duty faithfully …………………….. .
(b) Please carry on with your work …………………….. .
(c) They carried off the trophy in the football matches …………………….. .
(d) Carry forward the remaining balance to the next page …………………….. .
(a) You must carry out complete: execute your duty faithfully.
(b) Please carry on with continue tork
(c) They carried off the won trophy in the football matches.
(d) You may carry forward to transfer the remaining balance to the next page.

Phrasal verbs : A phrasal verb is a verb that is made up of a main verb together with an adverb or preposition or both.

Question 1.
Read the extract from G. B. Shaw’s play on Joan of Arc and fill in the Tree diagram.
Joan of Arc
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 1.5 Joan of Arc 1
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 1.5 Joan of Arc 2

Question 2.
(A) Pick out from the extract of the play two lines that provide evidence for each of the following.
Joan of Arc
(a) Her confidence
(1) …………………….
(2) …………………….
(1) The Dauphin will give me all I need to free Orleans.
(2) I will teach them all to fight for France.

(b) Her courage
(1) …………………….
(2) …………………….
(1) She really doesn’t seem to be afraid of anything.
(2) The Squire’s glare neither frightens her nor stops her.

(c) Her optimism
(1) …………………….
(2) …………………….
(1) If she can put some fight into him, she can put it into anybody.
(2) I don’t think it can be very difficult if God is on your side.

(d) Her determination
(1) …………………….
(2) …………………….
(1) I have arranged it all. You have only to give the order.
(2) Yqu said that you would not see me. But here I am.

(e) Her patriotism
(1) …………………….
(2) …………………….
(1) I will teach them all to fight for France.
(2) You and Polly will live to see the day when there will not be a single English soldier on the soil of France.

(B) Using the above points, frame a character-sketch of Joan of Arc, in your own words and write it in your notebook. Suggest an attractive title for the same.
The Heroine of France-Joan of Arc Joan, a well-built, strong country girl of 17 to 18 years, _is brave and courageous and unafraid of anything. She is confident and asks directly for whatever she wants and is sure of getting It. She is optimistic and feels that if God is on one’s side, one can do anything. She is determined to go to Orleans and motivate the Dauphin to fight the English and save OrleAnswer: Squire Robert and the others feel that if anyone can put some fight into the Dauphin, It is Joan. She ¡s extremely patriotic and confidently says that she will motivate the French soldiers to fight, and soon there will not be a single English soldier left on the soil of France.

Question 3.
From the extract, find what the following are compared to and why:
(a) as easy as …………………………………………………………………….
as easy as chasing a cow out of the meadow. This comparison is made because Joan was a country girl and had probably chased many cows out of the meadows. Besides, cows are docile creatures and can be driven away very easily.

(b) as mad as …………………………………………………………………….
as mad as Joan, for Joan was planning to go to the Dauphin, who was frightened, and motivate him to fight for Orleans.

(c) The Dauphin in Chinon is like …………………………………………………………………….
The Dauphin in Chinon Is like a rat In a corner, for just like a cornered rat gives up, he too had given up and refused to fight to save Orleans.

(d) The (enemy) soldiers will be driven away like …………………………………………………………………….
The enemy soldiers will be driven away like sheep. This comparison is made because sheep, always move in flocks and their herd mentality forces them to free if the leading ones flee.

(e) Joan of Arc is a bit of …………………………………………………………………….
Joan of Arc is a bit of a miracle because she is courageous, confident and determined enough to go to the Dauphin and motivate him to fight for Orleans, when everybody else had given up.

Question 4.
Say WHY? Write it in your notebook.
(a) Joan wanted to meet Captain Squire.
(b) Joan did not ask for many soldiers from the Captain Squire.
(c) Poulengey, Jack and Dick had offered to accompany Joan.
(d) French soldiers were always beaten in war.
(e) Captain Squire Robert said, “I wash my hands off it.”
(a) Joan wanted Captain Squire to give her a ’ horse, an armour and some soldiers and send her to meet the Dauphin. That was the reason she wanted to meet him.

(b) Joan did not ask for many soldiers from the Captain Squire because the Dauphin would give her all that she needed.

(c) Poulengey, Jack and Dick felt there was something about Joan, and that she was a bit of a miracle. Her words had put fire into them. They also felt that it was their last chance of saving OrleansHence they offered to accompany her.

(d) The French soldiers were always trying to save their lives, and would run away from the battlefield. Hence they were always beaten in war.

(e) Captain Robert Squire was uncertain about allowing Joan to go to the Dauphth. He could not believe that Joan would be successful In her mission. Even then, he could not withstand her determination and confidence; he also felt that this was the last chance of saving Orleans, and that there was something special about Joan. However, he did not want to be held responsible for anything; hence he said “I wash my hands of it.”

Question 5.
Using a dictionary, find the difference between the following pairs of phrases. Make sentences of your own with each of them.



Own Sentences

1. cut in cut out



2. be held by be held up



3. run away run for



4. be known as be known for



5. go with go after



6. put fire into put fire out






Own Sentences

1. (a) cut in
(b) cut out

(a) interrupt
(b) reduce or stop something

(a) The teacher asked Rohan not to cut in when she was teaching.
(b) Planting a line of trees along the road will cut out the noise from vehicles.

2. (a) be held by
(b) be held up

(a) before
(b) delayed

(a) The mayor wanted the elections to be held by the end of the month.
(b) The marriage party was held up in the traffic jam.

3. (a) run away
(b) run for

(a) escape; go off
(b) to compete in an election

(a) The kind king allowed the captured deer to run away.
(b) The film star wanted to run for the post of Mayor.

4. (a) be known as
(b) be known for

(a) to be called as
(b) to be famous for

(a) The new boss wanted to be known as a good and kind person.
(b) Nagpur is known for its oranges.

5. (a) go with
(b) go after

(a) suit each other
(b) pursue; follow

(a) Don’t you think these shoes go with this dress?
(b) You will never be happy if you go after money all the time.

6. (a) put fire into.
(b) put fire out

(a) inspire, motivate
(b) extinguish

(a) The Chief Guest’s words put fire into the young students.
(b) Seeing trouble brewing, the minister advised his team to put the fire out before it spread everywhere.

Question 6.
From an Indian History Book or Internet find out information about Indian Women (queens) who led battles. (For example, Rani of Jhansi and Rani Karnawati of Mewad). Write 3 points of similarity and 3 points of contrast between any one of the above Indian Queens and Joan of Arc. Write in your own words.

Similarities Contrast
(a) …………………… (i) ……………………
(b) …………………… (ii) ……………………
(c) …………………… (iii) ……………………

Question 7.
Read the script from :
Joan (Girl) : Good morning, Captain
Squire …………………… up to
Joan : (simply) ……………………
Polly and Jack have promised to come with me.

Write a summary of that part of the script (in the indirect speech) in 15 to 20 lines. Do it in your notebook.
Joan asked the Squire to give her a horse, an armour and some soldiers, and send her to the Dauphin. On hearing this, Robert angrily asked the steward why he had not told him that she was mad.

The steward told Robert to give Joan what she wanted. Robert then told Joan that he would send her back to her father with orders to lock her up. Joan replied that it wouldn’t happen that way; Robert had not wanted to see her, yet she had managed to see him.

Joan then asked him for a horse which would cost 16 francs. It was a big amount of money, but she would save It on the armour, as she did not need a beautiful, fitting armour. A soldier’s armour would do. She said that she would not want many soldiers, for the Dauphin would give her what she needed to free Orleans. Three men would be enough for him to send with her. She adds that Polly and Jack had promised to go with her.

Question 8.
(A) Make the following sentences Affirmative without change of meaning.
(a) Negative : I am not so sure, now.
Affirmative : …………………………………………
(b) Negative : He will not be able to stop them.
Affirmative : …………………………………………
(c) Negative : I don’t remember.
Affirmative : …………………………………………
(d) Negative : I can do no more.
Affirmative : …………………………………………
(e) Negative : Sir, do not anger her.
Affirmative : …………………………………………
(f) Negative : I shall not want many soldiers.
Affirmative : …………………………………………
(a) I am a bit doubtful, now.
(b) He will be unable to stop them.
(c) I fail to remember.
(d) I can do only this much.
(e) Sir, please refrain from angering her.
(f) I shall want only a few soldiers.

(B) Fill in the gaps in the table.





1. success




2. ……………………..




3. ……………………..




4. ……………………..




5. thought




6. ……………………..




7. courage




8. ……………………..









1. success




2. inspiration



3. safety



4. harm








6. brightness




7. courage




8. haste




Question 9.
Fill in the blanks with the correct alternatives: (The answers are given directly and underlined.)
(1) The steward is called a ‘blockhead’ by the squire. (Robert/steward)
(2) The squire’s name is Robert. (Robert/Dauphin)
(3) The price of a horse is sixteen francs. (17 to 18 francs / sixteen francs)
(4) The Dauphin will give the girl whatever she needs to free Orleans: (Dauphin/Squire)

Question 10.
Complete the following: (The answers are given directly and underlined.)
(1) The Hundred Years War was fought between 1337 and 1453.
(2) All of northern France and some parts of the south-west were under foreign control.

Question 11.
Classify the following words into adjectives and nouns and complete the table given below:
armed, courage, brave, armour, orders, well-built, squire, strong, amount, beautiful, Orleans
Adjectives – Nouns
armed, brave, well-built, courage, armour, orders, strong, beautiful sqtiire, amount, Orleans

Question 12.
Write the verb forms of the following words:
(1) strong
(2) mad
(3) beautiful
(4) afraid
(1) strengthen
(2) madden
(3) beautify
(4) fear

Question 13.
You have fifty armed soldiers and dozens of strong servants to carry out my orders.
You have fifty armed soldiers as well as dozens of strong servants to carry out my orders.

Question 14.
You are to give me a horse and armour and some soldiers.
You are to give me a horse and armour as well as some soldiers.

Question 15.
What, according to you, is the steward’s opinion about Joan?
The steward has a high opinion of Joan. He feels that she isn’t afraid of anything, and she puts courage in others. He feels that she should not be angered and be given what she wants.

Question 16.
Write if the following statements are True or False: (The answers are given directly and underlined.)
(1) Joan is angry when Robert tells her to get out. False
(2) Joan feels that Squire Jack is kind. True
(3) The steward’s name is Bertrand de Poulengey. False
(4) Robert thinks that the girl’s idea is crazy. True

Question 17.
Name the persons needed by Joan to free Orleans:
Joan needed the following persons to free Orleans Bertrand de Poulengey, Squire Jack, John Godsave, Dick the Archer, and their servants John of Honecourt and Julian.

Question 18.
Complete the following: (The answers are given directly and underlined.)
(1) The squire wants the steward to go with Joan, stay within call and keep an eye on her.
(2) Joan’s aim was to meet the Dauphin and free Orleans.

Question 19.
Pick out four adverbs of manner from the passage.
simply, willingly, eagerly, brightly (hastily, seriously). ,

Question 20.
Pick out the antonyms of the following words from the passage:
(1) exit
(2) request
(3) advance
(4) slowly
(1) exit x enter
(2) request x order
(3) advance x retreat
(4) slowly x hastily

Question 21.
Polly and Jack have promised to come with me. (Rewrite using ‘that’.)
Polly and Jack have promised that they will come with me.

Question 22.
You have only to give the order. (Rewrite using ‘nothing’.)
You have to do nothing but give the order.

Question 23.
‘I have arranged it all’. What does this statement tell you about Joan?
It tells us that Joan had good leadership qualities. She had the ability to inspire others and make them do as she wished. She was also a good organiser.

Question 24.
What/Whom do the underlined pronouns stand for?
(1) Her words have put fire into me. Poultney
(2) I feel sure enough to take her to Chinon. Joan
(3) He beat the English at Montargis. Dauphin
(4) ! feel like a fool. Robert

Question 25.
Complete the following: (The answers are given directly and underlined.)
(1) The Squire’s opinion of miracles was that though they were airight, they did not happen in their time.
(2) Robert accused Poulengey of being as mad as Joan.

Question 26.
The Dauphin was not fit to be the king and heir.
The Dauphin was not fit to be the king and heir because he was a coward and retreated to Chinon and spent time there like a rat in a corner. He was not able to motivate his men or stop the English from taking Orleans’

Question 27.
Make sentences of your own using the words/ expressions given below:
(1) cowed
(2) obstinately
(3) worth hying
(4) out of your mind
(1) We should not be cowed when we are threatened by bullies.
(2) The little girl obstinately refused to answer the teacher.
(3) “Your idea will keep the neighbourhood clean. It is worth trying,” said the minister.
(4) “You are out of your mind,” I told my friend when she wanted to save the stray dog.

Question 28.
I tell you nothing cai save our side now but a miracle. (Rewrite using ‘only’.)
I tell you only a rriracle can save our side now:

Question 29.
After talking to Poulengey what change do you notice In Robert?
Robert was initially unwilling even to listen to Joan.. But after talking to Poulengey, he agreed that it was their last chance of trying to free Qrleans and there was no other hope for them. Poulengey’s certainty about Joan made him waver and change his mind and give her a chance.

Question 30.
Pick out the statements that are True:
(1) Joan was unsure about her ideas.
(2) Joan had no belief in God.
(3) The soldiers called Joan ‘the Maid’.
(4) Robert had a poor opinion of English soldiers.
True statements:
(3) The soldiers called Joan ‘the Maid’.
(4) Robert had a poor opinion of English soldiers.

Question 31.
how one knows that Joan is a person of immense faith.
Joan’s statement ‘I don’t think soldiering can be difficult if God Is on your side’ shows that she is a person of immense faith.

Question 32.
Pick out the words ending In -ing from the passage and classify them Into gerunds and participles.
Gerunds – Participles
raising, chasing. soldiering, fighting, plundering, burning, – turning, fighting

Question 33.
Pick the odd man out from each group:
(1) gravely, always. heard, very
(2) they, see, you. them
(1) heard- (this is a verb; the other words are adverbs.)
(2) see-(this is a verb; the other words are pronouns.)

Question 34.
Rewrite the following as Assertive sentences:
(1) Have you ever seen English soldiers fighting?
You have never seen English soldiers fighting.

Question 35.
Have you ever seen them plundering, burning, turning the countryside into a desert?
You have never seen them plundering, burning, turning the countryside into a desert.

Question 36.
Do you think that soldiers should run away to ‘save their skins’?
No, I don’t think so. Soldiers must fight till their last breath. No soldier worth his sa1t should run away from the scene of battle to save his/her own life.

Question 37.
What dress did Joan want?
Joan wanted a soldier’s dress.

Question 38.
Robert finally agreed to the plan.
Robert thought that Joan might be able to motivate the Dauphin and the troops to fight. He felt that she had the courage and determination to succeed. He also felt that there was something special about her. Hence he finally agreed to the plan.

Question 39.
Pick out the modal auxiliary and state its function.
Even the Dauphin might believe it.
might—showing possibility.

Question 40.
Do you think that Joan succeeds in her plan?
I would not be sure only by reading the play; but history tells us that she did succeed and led the French army to victory in several battles during the Hundred Years War. Her bravery, determination and confidence won the day.

Question 41.
I can do no more.
I can do only this much.

Question 42.
Pick out the modal auxiliary and state its function.
Even the Dauphin might believe it.
might—showing possibility.

Question 43.
Do you think that Joan succeeds in her plan?
I would not be sure only by reading the play; but history tells us that she did succeed and led the French army to victory In several battles during the Hundred Years War. Her bravery, determination and confidence won the day.

Question 44.
(1) WrIte two compound words from the text.
(2) Use the following word as a gerund in your own sentence : chasing
(3) Find out two hidden words from the given word : confidently
(4) Make a sentence of your own using the phrase: to save their skins.
(5) Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentence: I is taking a big chance.
(6) Identify the type of sentence: I don’t think it can be very difficult.
(7) Write the following words in alphabetical order : understand, steward, window, squire.
(8) Write the present and past participles of ‘stop’.
(9) Prepare a word chain using the following nouns: Denmark, France, Austria, England, Korea, Alaska. France →
(1) courtyard, blockhead
(2) I would not even think of chasing a defenceless animal.
(3) confidently — confident, confide
(4) The thieves jumped into the lake to save their skins.
(5) I am taking a big chance.
(6) Assertive (negative).
(7) squire. steward, understand, window.
(8) stop: stopping, stopped.
(9) France → England → Denmark → Korea → Austria → Alaska.

Question 45.
(1) Use the following word and its homograph in two separate sentences: lock
(2) The Dauphin will give me all I need. (Rewrite using the future progressive tense of the verb.)
(3) Prepare a word register of 4 words relating to war from the lesson.
(1) (i) There was a lock of hair on the table.
(ii) The lock and the key were both missing.
(2) The Dauphin will be giving me all I need.
(3) War : soldier, armour, fight, siege, plundering, soldiering, troops. captain. (any 4)

Question 46.
(1) I used to think so. (Pick out the modal auxiliary and state its function).
(2) Analyse the sentence: Stay within a11 and keep your cyc on her.
(1) used to — past habit
(2) Compound Sentence.
Stay within call — coordinate (main) clause: keep your eye on h& — coordinate (main) clause.