Chapter 14 Human Nutrition

Chapter 14 Human Nutrition 1. Choose the correct option Question A. Acinar cells are present in …………….. a. liver b. pancreas c. gastric glands d. intestinal glands Answer: b. pancreas…

Chapter 16 Skeleton and Movement

Chapter 16 Skeleton and Movement 1. Choose the correct option Question (A). The functional unit of striated muscle is ………….. a. cross-bridges b. myofibril c. sarcomere d. z-band Answer: c.…

Chapter 15 Excretion and Osmoregulation

Chapter 15 Excretion and Osmoregulation 1. Choose the correct option Question (A). Which one of the following organisms would spend maximum energy in the production of nitrogenous waste? a. Polar…

Chapter 13 Respiration and Energy Transfer

Chapter 13 Respiration and Energy Transfer 1. Choose the Correct option. Question (A) The reactions of the TCA cycle occur in (A) ribosomes (B) grana (C) mitochondria (D) endoplasmic reticulum…

Chapter 12 Photosynthesis

Chapter 12 Photosynthesis 1. Choose the correct option. Question (A) A cell that lacks chloroplast does not (a) evolve carbon dioxide (b) liberate oxygen (c) require water (d) utilize carbohydrates…

Chapter 11 Study of Animal Type: Cockroach

Chapter 11 Study of Animal Type: Cockroach Question (A) Chemical nature of chitin is ____________ . (A) protein (B) carbohydrate (C) lipid (D) glycoprotein Answer: (B) carbohydrate & (D) glycoprotein…

Chapter 10 Animal Tissue

Chapter 10 Animal Tissue 1. Choose the correct option Question (A) The study of structure and arrangement of tissue is called _______. (a) anatomy (b) histology (c) microbiology (d) morphology…

Chapter 9 Morphology of Flowering Plants

Chapter 9 Morphology of Flowering Plants 1. Choose the correct option Question (A) Which one of the following will grow better in the moist and shady regions? (a) Opuntia (b)…

Chapter 8 Plant Tissues and Anatomy

Chapter 8 Plant Tissues and Anatomy 1. Choose the correct option. Question (A) Location or position of meristematic regions is divided into _______ types. (A) one (B) two (C) three…

Chapter 7 Cell Division

Chapter 7 Cell Division 1. Choose the correct option Question (A) The connecting link between Meiosis – I and Meiosis – II is ………… (a) interphase – I (b) interphase…