Chapter 9 Disaster Management

Chapter 9 Disaster Management 1. Identify the correct Alternative. Question 1. Which of the following groups shows the correct type of disaster? Answer: a b c d Tectonic Flood Tectonic…

Chapter 8 Biomes

Chapter 8 Biomes 1. (A) Complete the chain. Question 1. A B C (1) Boreal forest (1) Hardwood species of tree (1) Siberia (2) Deserts (2) Tropical deciduous forest (2)…

Chapter 6 Ocean Resources

Chapter 6 Ocean Resources 1. Complete the chain. Question 1. A B C (1) Continental Shelf (1) Deeper Part (1) Manganese Nodules (2) Oceanic Microorganisms (2) Abyssal Plains (2) Whales…

Chapter 5 Global Climate Change

Chapter 5 Global Climate Change 1. Complete the chain. Question 1. A B C (1) Melting of snow (1) Increase in sea level (1) Flooding (2) Effects of insolation (2)…

Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 1. Write the names of climatic regions according to the factors that dominate their characteristics. Answer: 2. Choose the correct alternative Question 1. Monsoon region (a)…

Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion

Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion 1. Compete the Chain. Question 1. Agent Erosional/Depositional features Places / Regions (1) River (1) Caves (1) China (2) Wind (2) Beach (2) Jog (3)…

Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting

Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting 1. Complete the Chain. Question 1. Rock type Name of the rock Dominant type of weathering (1) Igneous (1) Dolomite (1) Physical Weathering (2)…

Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Chapter 1 Earth Movements 1. Complete the chain. Question 1. A B C (1) Widespread volcanic eruption (1) Zone V (1) I to XII (2) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (2)…